Chapter 8: New Home

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A/N: Welcome to Season 2 of this book. First things first I want to thank you guys for the support, this was meant to be a side project I would update every once in awhile but I've found some genuine joy in writing, I know my style may not be the best but everyone learns with experience. This entire season will be focused around relationship building to expand Y/N's Harem aside from Rias and the ever so flirtatious Akeno, however next chapter will be something way different from what you've seen up to this point. Anyways enjoy!


Y/N: Tia, when I told you to make a home, I expected something a little more, I don't know, subtle maybe?

Tiamat: I only accept the best living arrangements for us master.

Tiamat: I only accept the best living arrangements for us master

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Y/N facepalmed while everyone looked at the house in awe.

Kalawarner: This goes beyond the best.

Raynare: This is just overkill.

Mira: I agree with Raynare.

Tiamat: Well I made it so it would be a waste if we didn't live here besides it's far enough from the town that no one will snoop around.

Isabela: That is indeed very true.

Y/N: *sighs* I gotta get to school, everyone move in and get situated, I'll see you all after.

Tiamat: I shall take your belongings master.

Everyone: Bye Master.

I gave a wave before using Kamui to transport myself to school. Arriving I took a heavy sigh before walking around a corner and looking at the front gate knowing whatever happens today I have to shocked about it. I made it to class, Issei seemed a little more quiet than usual but I can feel some anger within him and Asia was just silent looking at the teacher. After class I went to ORC and the room was quiet when I entered. Akeno was standing beside Rias' desk but Rias was nowhere in sight. Kiba and Koneko seemed out of it too. After sitting on the couch I decided to break the silence.

Y/N: So, is everyone alright?

Kiba: Yeah, it's just-

Koneko: I knew something was off about him.

Y/N: About who?

Issei: The person who saved Asia, Tobi, turns out he's murderer who killed a ton of people in the Gremory Domain when Rias was a child and scarred her for life.

They all seem to tense up at this.

Y/N: I see... Where's Rias?

Akeno: She's resting in one of the extra rooms, she hasn't talked much aside from going to class.

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