Chapter 42: Reunion

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A/N: Well boys, I'm not dead once again! It's been awhile since I updated and I apologize for that. I've been busy with school as College Applications are starting to open and I have just recently taken my SAT so I'm exhausted after that. Anyways, we are approaching the culmination of the book. I was planning to end it on chapter 50 but that all depends on how much I write into each chapter but 55 is looking like a better number for the ending and then 5 more chapters after that as an epilogue that will result in a big number of 60 chapters. Let me know if you guys want more or less and I'll will it into existence. Thank you for all the support even when I've been flaking on all of y'all. Anyways, enjoy the chapter amigos.

P.S - Thank you to @Shirakumo-WhiteCloud for the new cover <3.


The crickets chirped around the Kyoto Temple as Kunou stared out into the night sky with the shining moon. She smiled knowing that her mother and people were fighting to save the world and that she would be thankful upon her return. All of a sudden, she heard a knock at the door and turned around to face it.

Kunou: Enter!

The door slowly opened to reveal a bird youkai as he kneeled before the young kyuubi.

Ambassador: My lady.

Kunou: Ambassador? What are you doing here?

Ambassador: I have come with a report from the Underworld.

Kunou became confused as the ambassador sounded as though he was feeling down.

Kunou: W-Well, I shall hear your report!

Ambassador: Of course, my lady. According to our messengers, the alliance has been pushed all the way back to Lilith.

Kunou's expression dropped at those words as she turned back to facing the night sky with the glistening moon.

Kunou: What are the casualties?...

Ambassador: Alliance forces have been halved.

Kunou bit her lip and clenched her fist.

Ambassador: Lady Kunou, we must fear the worst and immediately make preparations for my indoctrination as temporary leader of the yokai, until you come of age to officially become queen.

Kunou: Ambassador, you know that until my mother has been officially declared dead may that be an option.

Ambassador: But in times like these, a leader must be there to comfort our people.

Kunou: My mother will return when the war has finished. The alliance helped free her from the Hero Faction's control; she was obligated to join their fight.

Ambassador: Lady Kunou-

Kunou: I've heard enough of this, you're dismissed for the night, Ambassador.

Ambassador grit his teeth as Kunou turned back around to face the moon.

Ambassador: *whisper* No. No. No!

Kunou was startled by the Ambassadors sudden shout and turned around to see him slowly stand.

Ambassador: The audacity you have, you little shit...

Kunou widened her eyes at those words and struggled to respond.

Ambassador: I've lived longer than you have, been Lady Yasaka's number one advisor longer than anyone else in the West Youkai Faction, and then you were born... You got the privilege of being handed down the title of leader all for what?! Because you're a strategic expert?! Warrior of honor?! Sub-leader of our people?! NO! Just because you're the daughter of Lady Yasaka will you be passed on as the new leader of our people.

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