Chapter 26: Awakened

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A/N: Hope I didn't do this too soon. I just really really really want to get to the good stuff and I'm probably moving this along too fast but I'll start slowing down now. Anyways, enjoy the chapter amigos.


-1 Week Before The Meeting-

We come back to the library that Y/N was last seen in. Books were scattered everywhere with loose papers coating the floors. A pair of doors at the end of the library were opened as the sound of grunts could be heard. Getting a closer look we could see that the figure who was grunting was Y/N as he was fighting with the apparition as they clashed multiple times over and over. The apparition released a blue energy beam out of his as Y/N dodged it and responded with a fireball. The apparition jumped over it and flew straight into Y/N. They engaged in hand to hand combat as Y/N had met his match in him. After a couple of blows Y/N went for a punch but the apparition simply dodged it and struck his fist straight through Y/N's stomach. Y/N sat there solemn for a second before his color drained to be brown and grainy as it was revealed to a wood clone. The clone morphed back into the ground as the apparition turned around to see the meditating Y/N. He was visibly strained as sweat could be seen slowly falling down his head until he finally breathed out. His eyes slowly opened as he looked dazed.

Y/N: I-I did it....

He looked up at the apparition.

Y/N: Are you sure this is going to work?

???: If you have balanced the wills of Indra and Ashura then you should be okay.

Y/N: Okay, I'm ready.

The apparition walked slowly towards Y/N as his hand began to glow brighter.

???: Now remember, I can only hold you from death for so long. You get one chance Y/N.

Y/N: I know. I'm not missing this.

The apparition stopped in front of Y/N.

???: Then all I can do is wish you good luck.

And with those words, the apparition stabbed Y/N straight through the heart with his hand. Y/N winced and gasped as blood came out his mouth. His eyes started to flutter before he slowly fell backwards and into the ground. The apparitions hands were then coated in green aura as he placed them over Y/N keeping him from truly dying.

Y/N slowly opened his eyes as he felt he was on something wet. He rubbed his head as he sat up and looked around.

Y/N: Where am I? Did I die?

This place was similar to where he talked to Indra and Ashura but it looked brighter a bit. He slowly rose to his feet and took in his surroundings. He looked down at his chest before rubbing where his heart was to see the damage that should've been dealt was erased.

???: What makes thee think that thou art dead?

Y/N whipped his head around to see a figure floating in the air. He wore a white, full-length kimono with a pattern of six black magatama around a high collar, beneath which, he wore a necklace which was also made up of six black magatama. On the back of his kimono was a larger, black Rinnegan marking with a pattern of nine magatama arranged in three rows of three beneath it.

???: Thien ethical viewpoint on death differs much from that which prevailed in my time... To so easily replace oneself with the term "death"... Thou must gain mettle, oh fledgling.

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