Chapter 37: Behind The Mask

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A/N: Real quickly I just wanna say thank you for all the support on the book. We recently hit 4k views which is a huge milestone and it's all thanks to you wonderful humans or whatever you go by (Got to be careful in these times), I'll keep this nice and short but, after 36 chapters of BS, you guys are finally getting what you have been waiting for. Anyway, enjoy the chapter amigos.


Guard: Lady Yasaka!

Yasaka turned around from looking over Kyoto from her temple and to the youkai guard that rushed in.

Yasaka: Is something the matter?

Guard: *panting* It's... The Underworld, my lady.

Yasaka: What happened?

Guard: It's under attack.

Yasaka: I see. The bulk of the army is in the Underworld, I'm sure they have it under control.

Guard: That's the thing, my lady, they don't.

Yasaka: What do you mean "they don't?"

Guard: An emergency call went out to all the allies for assistance in the Underworld. They said the way things are going right now, the Underworld will belong to Tobi by the end of the night.

Yasaka: It's that bad? Well, we have no choice then. Divert our force to the Underworld.

???: I must object, my lady!

A bird youkai arrived next to the Guard.

Yasaka: Governor, I didn't expect you to come back to the temple.

Governor: When a decision this brash is being made I will come at a moments notice.

Yasaka gained an annoyed expression as she crossed her arms and looked at him.

Yasaka: What do you mean, "brash"...?

Governor: If we divert our forces to the Underworld to help, then we'll leave Kyoto vulnerable to attack.

Yasaka: Ho? Do you want us to just abandon our allies?

Governor: We must look after ourselves first and foremost. I'm just suggesting what's good for the betterment of our people.

Yasaka: First, if Tobi takes the Underworld, this war is lost. I promised my resources to help the factions opposing him, or do you suggest I go back on my word that I swore on?

Governor: I would never, my lady! I'm simply sayi-

Yasaka: Then that is all there is to it.

Yasaka turned to the guard who straightened himself out from slouching.

Yasaka: Notify the troops, we're going to the Underworld, and I shall personally accompany you all.

Guard: My lady, a-are you sure?

Yasaka: Did I stutter?

Guard: N-No, my lady! I'll let them know right away!

The guard bowed before bolting from the doorway. Yasaka began to walk after him but stopped next to the governor.

Yasaka: Any more objections, governor?

Governor: I would be lying if I said I didn't detest your decision, my lady. But, I'm still loyal to you and will always follow you.

Yasaka: I'm glad to hear that. I'll put you in charge of protecting Kunou while I'm away.

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