Chapter 23 - A Day Together

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A week passed by and it was just a day before for them to fly to Australia. Everyone reports came good and sam took extra care for those who needed any help and had any problem with any injuries.

Sam and sameer shifted back to their house. It was morning and sam was in no mood to wake up. They all had a day off so that they could get their stuffs ready for tour.

It was going to be 8 when sameer came barging into her room and plopped himself on her bed and shook her violently making her to groan.

"Vee bhaii tell thiss monkeyy to let me sleep, nind ka dushman (enemy of my sleep)". She muttered and covered her face with pillow making sameer to think.

"My baby sis has gotten close to team she throws tantrums at them and even they take her tantrums happily like me, should i be jealous of it or should be happy, i should be jealous". He thought in his mind.

"Someone is being a jeloooo over here get out before i kick you out of my room or else i will call vee bhai to kick you out". Sam said snuggling more into her duvet and he had his mouth wide open "How did she sense my thoughts". This question was roaming in his mind.

"Ayy idiot your vee bhai isn't here to kick me wake up it's morning already don't you have work, sleeping like a panda just like roo". He said smirking and sam blindly reached for her phone opening it and dialled vee's number.

It was after 2 rings call got picked up. "Baby sis why are you awake early you should sleep it's only 8 and we don't even have practice today". Vee said as soon as he picked up making sameer's mouth to go wide open.

"Ahh vee bhai tell this to monkeyyyy he isn't letting me sleep and he is telling me that i sleep like roo bhaiya like a panda". Sam whined complaining and pouting in her sleep making him to chuckle.

"Monkey dare you disturb her sleep let her sleep and don't compare her with roo he is the one who can sleep anywhere at anytime at any place, he can even sleep while standing and we have a day off today". Vee said chuckling making him to smile.

"Fine i am leaving her for now on your saying". Sameer said as if doing mercy on her making vee to chuckle.

"Good night baby sis i should goo nuskie is calling me, she is definitely craving for something". Vee said but got no response. Sameer took off the pillow only to find her fast asleep.

"She slept". Sameer told vee and he chuckled and hunged up. Sameer took the phone from her hand covered her properly kissed her forehead and closed the blinds leaving the room.

It was past 10 but sam was still asleep. Entire team with their wives and kids came to Sam's place surprising their parents and sameer.

"What a pleasant surprise guys come in". Sameer said and made way for them to get in. They all settled down in living room girls went into the kitchen to help her mom with something.

"Yeah actually this is how we spend time together before we leave for tour and this is the first time Sammyy is joining us for tour so we thought to spend some time together and assure you that we would take care of her and be worry free about her". Yuzi said making sameer and their dad to smile.

"It still feels like we are dreaming with open eyes we can't believe that she is working with you guys and you guys mean the world to her now and we never worry about her when she is with you guys". Neel said and they smiled.

"We are lucky that she is working with us she looks after us and works on making us fit and if one of us is injured she tries and minimise the pain and makes sure it doesn't hurt us". Shubh said making them to smile.

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