Chapter 24 - Airport

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Everyone dispersed off early from celebration and got home early. Sam went to vee's place as he took her luggage at his place.

They got their things ready and checked everything. Sam had gone to change. "Vee keep this chocolates with you give it to sam she will need it". Nush said and he stuffed it in his backpack and nodded.

"Don't worry about her i will take care of her i know she is in pain but she won't tell about it. Baby dadda is going today alright don't trouble your momma as i am not here be a good baby of mine. Dadda loves you and can't wait to hold you i will be back soon. Nushkie take care of yourself alright keep me updated about anything and everything have your food properly. Love you". Vee talked to her and baby and kissed her belly and forehead.

"Don't worry veer i will take care of myself and baby besides rits is planning to come and stay with me so that i won't feel alone, have a safe journey". Nush said and he nodded.

Sam came after changing and taking her luggage. Nush took her in a hug. "If you want anything ask vee or anyone else alright don't keep things to yourself and take care of my kiddos and specially your brother who have the habit of over thinking you see, will miss you both, have a safe journey sammy". Nush said hugging her tight .

"Yeah don't worry about anything i will take care of everything and i will ask them if i need any help and don't worry about vee bhai i will make sure he doesn't over think and you take care of yourself and viratee. I will be waiting for her arrival and take proper rest don't take unnecessary stress have food on time and your medicines too. Will miss you both too". Sam said equally hugging her tight.

"One more overprotective member in my house". She muttered making them to laugh and they left taking their luggage bidding nush bye as staying awake till late night isn't good for her.

They stuffed their luggage in the car and the driver drove off to airport. Sam was a bit sad it was the first time she is going away from her family and they weren't coming to airport for see off.

Vee sensed her sadness and wrapped his arm around her shoulder. "It's okk sis we all are here for you, don't be sad, sameer will kill me if he comes to know that you are sad". Vee said and she looked at him.

"I know you all are there for me it's the first time i am going away from them that too for such a long period of time i guess it's natural for me to get sad. Even mumma, dadda and monkey aren't coming to see me off soo.. ". She said and trailed off and he nodded and rubbed her shoulder to calm her down. No words were spoken throughout the journey.

Vee knew if he would speak she will get more emotional he just kept rubbing her shoulder. Soon they reached Airport. Vee and sam got out and took their luggage.

They were about to enter the airport but were blinded with flashes making sam to root on her spot.

Vee who was behind her saw her blinded by lights and unmoved from her spot. He held by her shoulder and took her in whilst pushing the their trolley with him.

Soon they were inside the airport. "Relax they are gone we are inside the airport". Vee told sam. They went towards the lounge after completing the formalities. He went in to find almost everyone in.

Vee took sam and made her sit on the chair and sat besides her. "Woah what happened to Sammyy why is she looking shocked?". Harry was the first one to ask as he saw her shocked. He gestured him for water and he brought a bottle and made her drink water.

"We are used to the paps and limelight i forgot for a moment that she is new to all this lights. The moment we were about to enter the paps started taking pictures and it kind off shocked her". Virat said and he nodded.

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