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Draco’s POV

I smile as she scrambles over the couch and hugs me. I wrap my arms around her, savoring every moment.

“Draco, by this time tomorrow it’ll all be over,” she finally says.

By tomorrow we’ll either be dead. At least one of us will die. Or by some miracle we’ll both live. I don’t say any of this out loud; I just pull away and offer her a weak smile before looking at everything except Lex. she sees right through me. Forcing me to look at her.

“Hey, we’ll be fine. We’ll be okay,” she lies, but it’s so convincing that I almost believe it. “Yeah. Listen, you should get out of-”

“I’m not going anywhere,” she interrupts stubbornly.

“Fine. Don’t follow me. I love you.” I walked out quickly, taking long strides so she couldn’t stop me.

Lex’s POV

I watch him walk out, turning back to Oliver. He kept looking frantically while I stopped to talk to Draco. He flips the table over. “It’s not here!” he shouts.

“Okay. then pick a different room and keep looking.”

We keep looking for ten or so minutes until we realize the entire castle shakes. “They broke through!” I yell at Oliver, seeing the shield rippling outside the window. I pull my wand out and run through the hallways, running down to the front doors with Oliver right behind me. Everyone was in a flurry of panic and fear before the shield going down, and that was nothing compared to this. Groups huddled on the floor, sobbing and shaking from hysterics. Others just folded in on themselves, giving up. The most scared ones hid under desks and in broom closets. 

Like that would help them from this. I run down the stairs, seeing green robes and stopping short, Oliver running in to me and grabbing me to stop from falling down the banister. 

“They Slytherins got out,” I groaned. Add that to the list of problems, and it’s still on the bottom. I spot a flash of white hair, flanked by his two goons. Of course Draco’s up to something.

“Don’t follow me,” I warn Oliver before taking off after Draco. I push through terrified kids and moving statues of knights until I can see Draco again. He’s slowed down, standing in front of a wall. The Room of Requirement. I hide in the shadows of the walls, slowly creeping forward. He flings the door open and glides through, and I run ahead before it shuts. 

I hear the murmur of voices and realize it’s Harry and Hermione. Draco seems to hear them too and follows the direction of their voices.

Draco’s POV

I raise mother’s wand and point it at Harry. “You have something that belongs to-” I whipped my head to the side as someone’s hand shot out and snatched the wand from me.

“Lex, give. Me. the. Wand.” I hiss slowly. She ignores me and tightens her grip on it. 

“I’m guessing the diadem is in here?” she asks. Harry holds it up, and a spark from behind nips the leg of my suit. “What the f-” I say as Lex brushes her shoe against the spot, putting it out. But the sparks keep coming out of Crabbe’s wand and I jump away from him. He’s waving the wand around, shouting.

“I can’t control it!” he yells, dropping it, and the carpet bursts into flames. “Run!” Lex yells, shoving us until we take off running. I follow Weasley and Granger, who grabbed brooms. I take one from the pile and throw it to Lex, me hopping on the back. 

As soon as we made it through the door, we tumbled and I held her while bracing myself, protecting her from the debris. “Where’s Crabbe?” I ask while looking around.

Goyle just shakes his head. I turn around to see Potter, Weasley, Granger, and Lex gone.

“What the f-” I say.

Lex’s POV

“No! You’re not gonna sacrifice yourself Harry,” I tell him. He had heard Voldemort in his head again when we escaped the fire, and he stumbled down the hall. Hermione had grabbed my hand and pulled me along. 

“I won’t. I just have to talk to him,” he lied weakly.

“There’s a reason you weren’t in Ravenclaw Harry,” I mutter quietly. Hermione’s eyes flashed to me and she laughed, knowing I was right. “I’ve been saying that since first year,” she told me.

“He’s gone!” Ron yelled in disbelief. He had been watching us, and nobody saw Harry slip away.


We split up to look for him, but he was gone.

Draco’s POV

I sprinted through the castle til I found her. I was out of breath, but glared at her. “You’re staying by my side til this is over,” I snapped at her.

“Nuh-uh,” she told me, trying to get past me.

“Yes, you are. We’re-” I whipped my around, seeing the death eaters storming into the castle. 

Chaos broke loose, wands being pulled out and used. Spells went flying and I ducked, pulling Lex down with me. We stood up and ran out the front doors, using spells on whoever moved. 

Lex’s POV

Draco and I stood back to back, paralyzing all the death eaters we could see. I turned my head up to look inside the castle and saw Fred. He smiled, waving before being blasted backwards by flames. 

“FRED!” I screamed, running unguarded towards him. I dropped to my knees and pulled his head into my lap. I didn’t have to feel his neck to know he wasn’t breathing. 

I knew he was dead,

I sobbed over his body. “Wake up Fred, wake up. This isn’t funny. Get up!” I screamed. Percy came running down the staircase and stopped. “No. No. No. No, this isn’t real. No. nope,” he whispered, his voice cracking at the end. He fell to his knees and hugged the staircase railing. 

Bill’s yell had me looking up at him. I hugged him closer.

Third Person’s POV

Voldemort blasted Harry with the killing curse at the exact same moment George’s eyes landed on his twin's body.

Ron and Hermione came running from the chamber of secrets, and Hermione froze when she saw Fred’s body. Ron’s body trembled, and tears ran down his face.

One by one, the Weasley’s all knew they had lost Fred.

Molly’s scream was the most heartbreaking thing they had ever heard.

Fred’s spoon on the Weasley Tracker snapped off.

The Difference Between Truths And Lies (Previously Love Yourself) Where stories live. Discover now