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I cried during this chapter. Enjoy.

Lex's Pov

"Fred, George, Lex, and Cedric will go first", Harry said while pointing at each of us.

"Why are we even splitting up?" Molly groaned.

"Smaller groups will be harder to catch than all of us going at the same time", Harry sighed.

"So. You guys will take the brooms, and then Cedric wants to go by himself, the second group can be me with Ron and Hermione, and the rest of you can sort out how you guys want to go", Harry ordered.

"How are you guys getting there?" I ask him.

"Floo powder, apparating, buckbeak", Harry said while shrugging.

Fred handed me Ginnys quidditch broom, already mounted onto his.

"See you guys soon".

Draco's Pov

My nails dug into my palm as my hands balled into fists again. I reread her letter for the 100th time.

We're going to Hogwarts today. Harry hopes to find the last horcrux thing with everyone else there- I'll explain later. I promise I'll be safe, and I'll see you later. Don't do anything stupid, Draco. I love you. And please don't be mad at me.


Oh. My. Fucking. God.

Can she not stay safe and sound in the burrow? Does she constantly have to put herself in danger? Does she always have to do the opposite of what I tell her to do?

A small voice nags me from the back of my head.

You knew she'd inevitably want to fight alongside in the war, it reminds me.

I knew it.

But does she really have to be fighting against me?

I'd give anything to be on her side right now.

I pick up my quill and write my reply.

Lex's Pov

"Lex!" Fred yelled at me over the wind.

Turning my head towards him, he jerks his head over to the side of me. I tighten my grip on my broom and watch Draco's owl in surprise, the letter tied to its leg.

I dip down to the field and yell at Fred that I'll catch up. He hesitantly kept going with George. I carefully sat in the field of flowers and opened the envelope.


You always know how to go against my ever wish. That's one of the many things I love about you. You are so incredibly beautiful and independent. The way you outshine everyone with your intelligence, yet you don't boast about it.

Do you remember when we first met? It was second year, and you had just walked into my dorm on accident. I was painting the lake, surrounded by flowers. You just....observed. It made me nervous as hell, but I kept painting.

"It's gorgeous", is all you had whispered. Right after you left, I had painted a picture of what I imagined you'd look like as you got older, and holy hell was my painting accurate. Just wait til you see it, hidden under my bed.

Your smile lighting up the room, the way you constantly give me a chance to make things right between us when I've been a lost cause for so long. You've changed me and shown me happiness, Lex. You've given me a reason to wake up every morning and smile.

I'm telling you all this because I'm not sure if we'll make it out of this alive.

If we do, then we can have a small cottage or mansion or whatever we choose. We'll have two dogs, but no kids. I remember how you said you'd never have children, and having you is more than enough for me.

I'll give you the whole damn world if you want it, I just need you to stay alive for me. For you. Without you, I don't know what my purpose in life would be.

I wish more than anything that this war didn't have us on opposite sides, but I will never hurt you again, I swear.

I love you, Lex. I always have and I always will.

Be safe.

Draco Lucius Malfoy.

A sob rose up in my throat and filled the silence through the field. I desperately tried to wipe my tears away but they kept flowing. I got up, mounting my broom, giving up on trying to stop crying.

"I love you too", I whispered to the empty field.

The Difference Between Truths And Lies (Previously Love Yourself) Where stories live. Discover now