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Draco's Pov

I crumble on her floor. She hops over and sits next to me. I lean my head on her shoulder and start to cry.

"I don't want to kill dumbledore. I don't want deatheaters in the school", I sob.

She rubs my shoulder. "I know. I know. You won't do this alone. I'll help you". She stops. "I'll help you kill him", she finally says quietly.

"No. I'll do it. Can you help me fix the vanishing cabinet to-" I don't finish the sentence. She holds me, and I can feel her nod.

Lex's Pov

I swear the universe is playing some sick joke on us. He sits on my bed looking at the floor as I pack my trunk. Apparently he's already done. I go into the bathroom to pack my stuff up in there and when I look back, he's sleeping.

I tiptoe out and go to the library. I'm halfway through the book I chose when someone sits next to me. "Lex?" Narcissa says hesitantly.

I look up at her. She's crying. "Please don't leave him. He's just a boy. I never wanted this to happen to him. Promise me you'll help him and be there for him", she sobs.

I put a hand on her shoulder. "I promise".

Draco's Pov

I lift her trunk onto the train and see something fly towards us. I raise my wand but Lex smacks it away. I give her a look and she holds her arm out, revealing an owl. "I didn't know you had an owl" I say in surprise.

She shrugs. "I let Bonnie free and sometimes she stays away for a lot longer than id like. I haven't seen her since I was at the burrow last summer". Her voice drops. It's cute. I reach my hand out to pet it, and Bonnie looks at Lex for approval. She nods and Bonnie flies onto my shoulder.

I've never cared much for animals, but I like this one. It nuzzles against my cheek. "She's only ever liked me", Lex murmurs.

Lex smiles as she sees the big crooked smile on my face.

The train whistle blows, and I grab my wand. Lex and Bonnie follows me to the compartment.

The Difference Between Truths And Lies (Previously Love Yourself) Where stories live. Discover now