chapter 1

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he stood staring out his window with his mask in his hand as his finger poked through the eyehole, swinging it around as he was deep in thought. he once again had some responsibility to take on, needing to make careful decisions for the 'best of the company' so his family wouldnt be disgraced or that his aunts would stop nagging at him. he hated them and he didnt care that much about his family's title. what did it have to do with him anyway, he was just born into this family, one thay focused mainly on status and power. his parents were barely around and he had grown up alone, only with his servant's son, tadashi by his side. tadashi was his dog, and was always there for adam, even teaching him how to skate.

though one day, adam had changed. he became so different and tadashi had no more control of what adam intended. he became for closed off and even seemed more evil in a sense. he had started S a skate park and club for challengers to compete. adam aced at skating, he was the best of the best, even known for his 'love hug'. he became lost... and he was in search of an EVE, to be his partner in crime and someone nearly worth competing with.

deep down inside it was pressed, pressed all the way to the bottom, through the cracks of the lowest ground, adam longed for love. he had long forgotten the joys of having friends to be with, skate with and love always meant beating someone because it was good for them and that they were trying to help them. love was hurting someone for the greater good. but adam didnt even know what the greater good meant. he was lost... lost in his own world, a boundless void that seemed all too beautiful. however, he was the only one in that void, no matter how beautiful, he was all alone with no one there for him. he wanted an EVE, and EVE to join him in the void, but his search was long passed and he couldnt seem to find the one he was looking for.

you were y/n l/n. the daughter of an equestrian coach. the equestrian coach who had also trained and coached adam when he was younger. you grew up with horses and you loved riding them and watching them gallop in the fields. when you were young you remembered a dark blue haired boy who would come by, twice a week to ride a horse with your father. you looked at him differently sometimes, he looked so lonely, like the glimmer of hope and joy within him was slowly diminishing with each visit. you wanted to be his friend, but your father rarely let you. your family wasnt all that well to do, but in contrast adam came from a high end wealthy family.

one day, while your father was out late from buying supplies, adam had come early for his lessons. you opened the door to see the boy standing by the gate as you let him in, telling him your father was stuck in traffic and he nodded. that was your chance, your chance to talk to him. you remember bringing him by the stables, saddling up as the two of you got on your horses, riding them in the fields behind your house. the two of you talked loads, making laps down and up the fields. you remember seeing his smile, and it was like one you could never forget.

"y/n! what are you doing!" you heard your father's voice as you halted your horses before trotting back to him. you were sent to your room for disobeying him. the young master had talked to a commoner, how bad for his reputation he said. you sulked as you returned your horse to the stable as you watched your father and adam train. little did you know, the bluenette's mood had fell again. he enjoyed talking to you and he wasnt all to happy with seeing you leave.

though it was one day, neither of you forget that day. the day where the two of you rode horses through the fields, letting the cool spring breeze go through your hairs and talking like there was nothing else happening in the world. though he probably wasnt the first friend you had, he stuck out to you and you still longed to be his friend, as a year passed while he was having lessons with your father. you didnt know if he considered you a friend but, you did and you never forgot him.

a good few years passed and adam had long stopped riding when he hit his teens. the years had passed and you were now in your early twenties, adam being the same age as you. you hadnt seen him since then, you had no idea what he looked like now, only seeing some of his family affairs pop up in the papers. sad to say it was like your youth was leaving you. you were twenty one and you were graduating from university this week. you were studying in america and you were thinking to return to japan after, to come back to your home country and see your family and friends.

as your graduation ceremony ended, you quickly got on a flight back to japan. you had gotten a degree in veterinary medicine since you had always wanted to be a vet through your years with being with horses. you had sent your belongings back home a week ago and they probably were already at your house.

once you landed in japan, you took a cab home and back to see your parents. your father had stopped his job as a coach and now just mended to the horses and let people ride them around the backyard. you greeted your parents with a smile and quickly you decided to go into the city to see the country that had changed since you last were here. as you walked down the pavements, you noticed many teenagers riding skateboards, cruising on the streets. how youthful they looked. you were twenty one. you stared as more of them passed by. it seemed fun enough, so maybe you'd take it up. afterall you were on a gap year before you successfully hunted for a job. you decided to do something in this year, and maybe skating would help bring your youthful days back to you to a certain extent.

you proceeded to a nearby skateboard shop which you googled online. you pushed open the door to hear the bell jingle as a red haired boy turned to face you. he looked younger than you. "hi im here to get a board?" you said a little confused as you looked around to see all the decks. "im quite new to this so im not sure where to get started" you admitted and the boy's eyes lit up. the boy which you found out worked there showed you the different boards, explaining to you clearly and detailed about all the functions. you were surprised he knew that much but you were grateful for his efforts.

"reki are you going to S tonight?" a older man who looked like his manager walked in with a box in his hand. "yea probably" the red haired boy you now knew as reki responded. he turned back to you as you finished picking your wheels and the design on your deck and he helped put it together for you. your custom board huh. as you paid for your board you couldnt help but be curious, "what's S?" you asked and the boy smiled, explaining it to you, instantly peaking your interest. you wanted to enter one day, it seemed fun to race, in a way it seemed like horse riding too. you could ride the horses for leisure or also race with them. it was an all around sport, just that in this largely city country, it made more sense and was more convenient to skate than to ride a horse.

"i'll get good and enter" you said outloud unconsciously, now making you seem like a weird adult. however the red haired boy just smiled, "if you want to enter just come back and find me ! i'll help you get a pass" you were taken a back, he was so kind and you could only thank him for taking the time to help you with your purchase.

you tried your luck, placing your new board on the pavement as you stepped on it, trying to move on it for the first time. to your dismay, your balance wavered and you slipped, falling backwards as you hit your head on the ground. you groaned, cheeks turning red, sure that someone would have seen your embarrassing fall. you were twenty one, it probably magnified your stupidity even more.

little did you know a certain blue haired man had seen your incident as his car passed by. he laughed a little, how stupid it was for an adult to fall off a skateboard that bad.

love - ADAM SK8 x READERWhere stories live. Discover now