tommy goes to school pt 2

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TW: blood, death, insanity,

Tommy POV
I walked into my first period class ready to sit down and ignore the teacher. as soon as i walked into the room she pulled me aside "are you the TommyInnit?" she asked me quietly "yeah" I said, wanting to get away from this situation already. "ok well i want you to tell me if you need to leave or if i make any mistakes ok?" she said "ok" i said and walked over to a seat in the back of the class. "alright class today we will be talking about a nation that was recently destroyed" she said "and what's that nation?" someone in the front asked "that would be L'manberg" Ms. Taylors said. I immediately sat up straighter and pulled some blue out of my pocket. I was going to need it.

I tuned out during most of the beginning of her speech but started paying attention when the kid next to me started crying "what's wrong?" I asked. They looked at me and whispered "it's
j-just the p-poor boy was only nine" they responded. I started paying more attention and realized that Ms. Taylors was talking about the duel. I remembered the feeling of Dreams arrow sticking out of my chest, Tubbo screaming my name as I fell to the ground, feeling like a complete and utter failure. I was brought back to the present by the same person shaking me, obviously worried. "sorry" I whispered, reaching in my pocket with shaky hands before i found my phone. i quickly put Erets stream on and started watching, sending a $50 donation telling Eret what happened.

I had been watching Erets stream listening to his voice and letting myself calm down when the teacher called me "Tommy why did Wilbur Soot blow up L'manberg?" I put my phone down and tried to keep the images out of my head "because he was completely insane" i said still trying to push the memories away. The teacher frowned but understood what was happening. "thank you. now what did Wilbur do when his younger brother was sad?" she asked me as everyone else whispered that it was unfair and that she never mentioned any of it. "he would wrap me up in his hoodie and let me lay my head on his lap as he sang and played with my hair" I replied, wrapping Wilburs hoodie around me as I spoke (btw he had wils hoodie tied around his waist) "thank you" she said as I picked my phone up and continued watching Erets stream.

I was on a call with Eret now when the teacher called my name "Tommy can you tell me why Eret betrayed L'manberg?" she asked. I smirked and unplugged my headphones so everyone could hear Eret "listen i know i'm an idiot but does your teacher really have to bring it up?" he asked, causing all of us to burst out laughing. "b-because he was a p-power hungry id-idiot" I managed to say as I laughed."well thank you Tommy" the teacher said. "oh Toms i have-" but he was interrupted by someone screaming "WHERE ARE YOU HIDING MY BROTHER? I JUST KILLED DREAM AND I CAN KILL YOU TOO TRAITOR!" I sat in shock and held Wilburs hoodie closer. "Eret come pick me up" I whispered nervously. "ok Toms i'm coming" he said softly "Tommy are you ok?" the teacher asked as I hung up and cried, ready to see my big brother again. I nodded my head, truly happy.

I walked over to the office with my headphones in listening to music and sat down as I waited for Eret to show up. Suddenly I felt arms wrap around me and pick me up gently. I hugged back and cried into my older brothers arms "shhh it's ok Toms i'm here" his voice was soothing as I looked up at his face.

The next thing I remember is waking up curled up in a bed with Wilbur. I curled into him more trying not to wake him. Wilbur seemed to notice my movement and woke up, looking at me as if trying to remember who I was before pulling me closer to himself and falling back asleep.

I woke up again to Wilbur shaking me gently and holding a plate of eggs "Wake up Toms you gotta eat" I grabbed the eggs from Wilbur and sat up, Wilbur immediately putting his hand behind my back to support me as I ate.

I finished eating and stood up to get ready for school. Eret reminded me that he was going to be streaming all day and Wilbur said he was going to be in vc2 all day.

I walked into my first period class and sat down. "alright class today we will be talking more about the Manberg/Pogtopia war" the teacher said. I quickly put in my headphones and hopped into vc2 with Wilbur.

I was quietly talking to Wilbur and Eret when the teacher called me "Tommy why do you think that Schlatt exiled Wilbur Soot and TommyInnit?" I took a deep breath and pushed away the memories "because he wanted more power" I was still trying hard to push away the memories. A random kid hugged me and whispered soothing things into my ear "I know it hurts Tommy I know. I remember watching clips of it and crying. It's going to be ok" I started to calm down and Ms. Taylors looked over worried but I gave her a smile and sat back down and listened to Wilburs voice.

The teacher called my name again and I looked up to see the L'manberg flag on the board. I heard a familiar tune and unplugged my headphones and we all started singing

I heard there was a special place
where man could go and emancipate
the brutality and tyranny of their rulers
well this place is real you needn't fret
with Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo, not Eret
it's a very big and not blown up L'manberg

I heard a girls voice singing along and and looked over to see the girl who helped me singing along and saluting

My L'manberg
My L'manberg
My L'manberg
My L'manberg

the girl was crying now but still singing along with us

For freedom and for liberty
our nation sought to build on these
a victory for all under democracy
well the darkness came and then it went
we built our home and watched it sink
and there from rubble there emerged L'manberg

more people were singing along and saluting

My L'manberg
My L'manberg
My L'manberg
My L'manberg

I was crying now as I sang

With bloodied hands and weakened knees
our people rose like the phoenix
our empty fields and canals round L'mantree
with sweat and tears we armed our ranks
we laid foundations in our land
and from every lips from here up to infinity

the girl was holding some blue close to her face as she sang

We sing L'manberg
We sing L'manberg
We sing L'manberg
To our L'manberg

Wil was crying too now. Everyone who hadn't been singing with us looked confused as to why we had started singing and crying. "why are you crying?" one kid asked as I held blue to my face and took deep breaths.  Wilbur spoke "My beautiful unfinished symphony" he said, still crying. Most of the people in the room were still confused. "Goodbye L'manberg" the girl whispered, tears still running down her face.

A/N: 1257 words! most i've ever written. i'll probably end up doing part three. bye!

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