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Meis friend is Herobrines son (Erets nephew)
They broke Dream out and got rid of the Dreamon (not writing cuz lazy)
Dream revives Mari (I just want a revived lover fic and if I can't find one I'll make it myself)

Third Person Pov
Mei was sitting in the castle with her head on Erets lap. Eret ran his fingers through Meis hair as they slowly fell asleep.

Tommy and Ranboo were analyzing Meis new drawing, It was a beautiful girl with long dark hair and green eyes, the girl was holding a book and sitting next to someone who looked like Mei. Meis head was on her shoulder and they seemed to be laughing at something the girl said.

Fundy was talking to Meis friend and laughing at something he said. The fox hybrid was wearing an oversized sweater because Eret yelled at him for wearing his binder too long (BIND SAFELY OR I WILL SCOOP OUT YOUR EYEBALLS, PULL OUT YOUR TEETH, BAKE THEM IN A PIE AND FEED IT TO YOUR PARENTS)

Dream was reading something in a strange language from his book before the girl from the picture suddenly showed up in front of him. Everyone looked surprised, including Meis friend who looked ready to cry. What happened next was even more surprising.

Teleported Charlie_brine to Dream

Mei woke up at the sound of teleportation and ran to Charlie and hugged him. They turned around and saw the girl on the floor and smiled wider then they had ever seen her. They ran and hugged Dream before saying "Thank you big brother." With a big smile on their face they lay down next to the sleeping girl, carefully wrapping an arm around her and relaxing.

The girl woke up a few minutes later. First noticing Meis arm around her, she smiled and pulled the other in for a kiss. "Mari" Mei whispered, her arms still around her.

Then Mari noticed Charlie in the corner, she detangled herself from her lover and ran to give her best friend a hug.

Charlie then walked up to Eret and punched him in the shoulder. "That's for not visiting" he whispered.

Eret suddenly remembered a little girl running up to him yelling "Uncle I don't wanna be a girl anymore!" She remembered a month later, helping their nephew pick out clothes and cutting his hair.

He pulled the boy closer "You grew" She whispered, holding his nephew in a tight hug. "How are my brothers?" They asked, holding his nephew close. "Dads good but uncle stopped visiting a month ago" Charlie responded.

Mei wrapped her arms around Mari whispering
"This is our new family."

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