More about Erets past

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Castle crew AU
TW: abusive partners, abusive parents, death, blood, cheating
(The parts with mentions of abuse will be marked with !!!! for each section so skip those if you don't want to read that kinda stuff)

So let's start with way back thousands of years ago. Eret was the god of love and pride (Thank you to ClayMold for the idea. If you like this book go read theirs because that's mainly what I read for inspiration) and his brothers Herobrine and Steve were the gods of creation (Steve) and destruction (Herobrine).

Meeting Foolish:
Eret was wandering the mortal world when he encountered a man who was sobbing on the ground wearing torn up clothes. Eret helped the man up and asked him what was wrong. The man replied that his wife was cheating on him. Eret spent most of the day helping the man out. Including helping him get a job and stuff like that. Later the man revealed that he was a god who came down to earth to test the mortals and Eret laughed and revealed that he was the god of love who was just wandering around. The two quickly became close friends.

Wither cult:
(Blood/death mentions in this section. Skip if you don't want to read)
Eret and Foolish went to a banquet hosted by the wither cult. The two spent the night dancing and laughing until it was stated that there was to be a sacrifice. They were going to sacrifice Foolish but Eret intervened and tried to push them out of the way. They ended up sacrificing Eret. Foolish cried over the body of his friend, not caring that his clothes were stained with his blood.

Loosing memories:
After that Eret was in a coma for thousands of years and when he woke up he had zero memories.

(!!!!) First family:
Eret was adopted by a mortal family who claimed they wanted to do some good in the world. They would beat him bloody every time he made a mistake. eventually Eret got sick of the constant abuse and ran away.

(!!!!) Jerimiah:
Eret met a man named Jerimiah. They spent a while as friends before they fell in love. A few months into their relationship Jerimiah would come home every day and he would beat Eret for every little mistake. Eret eventually broke up with him and left.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2022 ⏰

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