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It was a stark phone that was slammed into my head

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It was a stark phone that was slammed into my head....I tried intervening and it ended up here. " You saw the side of his head.

"I was at coding camp....that's why you haven't seen me." His excuse for flaking out for a couple of weeks." It was weak at best.

"You won't believe what I learned...what I've reached without limit."

"I'm not a hacker, well not just one.." The boy's reaction to being in custody.

"It works when I want it to, when I think it."

"What if I end up like him? Or like ultron."

"I wouldn't call it a cyborg brain."

"It's not black and white, it's not by the book."

"I fact checked their choice... it's bullshit."

"I did this.." His reaction after causing the overload.

"There's so many I can help at once, transfer, right now in this moment.."

"I was just smart, before this..now I"m tethered."

" I can make anything, edits, footage, contacts.. Real enough or send them from any where.."

"Electricity travels through nerves, which means this is going to hurt like a mother....."

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