Cafe Meet

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You walk into a cafe after a long shift at work. You're very tired and just want a nice warm drink. After you order your hot chocolate, you turn around and you can't believe who is sat at a table!

Robbie Kay!

Your idol, the guy who you are madly in love with.

Your eyes widened.

Your cheeks blushed red.

Robbie Kay is sat alone at a table, his head bent down. You move closer to where he is sitting. You gasp in shock. He's crying. You forget your shyness and you dash over to where he is sitting. You sit next to him and tell him your name.

"Robbie what's the matter?" you ask as you put your arm around him gently. "this is crazy!" you think. You hardly even know him!

Robbie lifts his head.  His cheeks are stained with tears. "my girlfriend cheated on me!" he says finally. "for the last year!"

"OMG I'm so sorry!" you murmer softy. "but how can anyone cheat on you? Your like the hottest guy in the whole world!" You say, then you blush red. Oops. You hadn't meant to say that to his face. He just weakly smiles through his tears.

"thanks for trying to cheer me up!" Robbie says, tears still running down his cheeks.

"no problem!" You smile. You hug him hard. You put your hot chocolate on the table. It's nice and warm and creamy and has cream and marshmallows on it. Suddenly the hot chocolate doesn't feel so important to you anymore.  You look at the table and you see that Robbie doesn't have a drink. Then you do something very unusual for you.

"Here Robbie have this! " You say, pushing your hot chocolate towards Robbie.

"Really?! " Robbie gasps. You nod. "thank you! " says Robbie taking a sip from it. You sit there watching him. Then you say:

"how about we go to the cinema?"

"Sure I'd like that!" Robbie replies. He finishes the hot chocolate and then you both go to the cinema. You both see a very scary film. Everytime something scary happened, you scream and bury your face into Robbie's chest. He laughs when you do that. After the film, you both go to the store and get some wine. It's here you bump into Robbie's ex girlfriend and her new boyfriend.

"Oh look it's your ex boyfriend!" Says The New Boyfriend, named Kai. Robbie's ex girlfriend, Mia, nods. (sorry if your name is Mia! 🤣😱)

"Yes it is, the loser who I only pretended to love!" Mia laughs. She is a pretty woman, about 3 years older than you, but you could tell her personality was cruel. Robbie blushes and looks at the floor.

"Why did you even date him Mia?" Kai demands. "He has a poor taste in clothes!" Kai was all dressed up in leather,  and Robbie just wore a simple jacket over a top with jeans. Robbie is still staring at the floor, looking upset and hurt and embarrassed.

"Did you truly believed I loved you?" Mia goes on. "I never loved you, I just loved playing games with you and making you think I loved you!"

"Yeah how could she ever love someone like you!" Kai adds. "You are worthless!"

Mia laughs, then she sees the tear stains on Robbie's cheeks. She shrieks with laughter. "OMG he even has been crying over me, how sad!" Kai laughs too.

Robbie keeps staring at the floor, still hurt and embarrassed. You gasp as you see tears start to well in Robbie's eyes and trickle down his cheeks. Mia and Kai laugh harder when they see Robbie crying too. A huge wave of anger washes over you. You slam your basket full of wine down and glare at Mia and Kai.

"Leave him alone!" You snap. "Your both been so cruel to him!"

This directs Mia's attention to you for the first time. "and who are you?" Mia barks.

"Y/N!" you shoot back. "and you leave Robbie alone! Both of you! What your doing to him is not okay! You have hurt him enough! He doesn't deserve it! He is an amazing person and you don't know how special he is!" You blush because Robbie heard you say all that.

"Nah he's not special! He's just worthless!" Mia giggles. Robbie does his best to stifle his sobs, and that just makes you loose it. You jump on Mia and start to punch her hard in the face. She shrieks and hits you back. Two shopkeepers see the fight and dash over. They pull you and Mia apart. Mia's face is swollen. Your eye is black and your lips bleeding.

"ENOUGH!" yells the Store Manager. "All of you out the store now before I call the police!" He looks really angry and all 4 of you bolt it. Luckily Mia and Kai go another way to you and Robbie. You and Robbie sit on a wall together in the park. Robbie is crying. Tears are gushing down his cheeks. Your lips are gushing out blood and your eye is black and stingy. But right now all your worried about is Robbie.

"Hey Hey." You say gently as you hug him. "Please don't cry Robbie!"

Robbie wipes his tears with the back of his hand. "Thanks for standing up for me, Y/N!" He sobs. "I don't know why they are doing this to me!"

"it's okay!" You tell him. "And there putting you down coz they don't know how special you are!" You hug him harder, hoping he'll stop crying.

His tears keep coming. "So am not worthless?" Robbie asks through his sobs.

"No! Of course you are not worthless!" You gasp. "You are so beautiful and amazing and special and loved and you mean absolutely everything to me!" You blush red again.

"So everything you said in the shop is the truth?" Robbie sobs.

"Yes it was the truth!" You say nodding. "All of it!"

"Thank you, Y/N!" Robbie sobs.

"it's alright."

You pull Robbie close to you and hug him tight.  He puts his head on your shoulder. He's still crying hard. You rub his back and comfort him.

"Shh!" You gasp. "Please stop crying Robbie!" you hold him harder.

Still crying, Robbie lifts his head up and moves his face close to yours. You in turn lean in closer to Robbie. You are blushing flaming red and Robbie is still crying. Then your and Robbie's lips crash onto each other. You both kiss passionately for a long time.

"I love you so much Robbie!" You confess gently.

"I love you so much too Y/N!" Robbie sobs back.

Then you both start kissing again, and you've been dating ever since.

Thanks for reading! Another one will be up soon!

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