Plane Journey

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You are at an airport about to bored your flight. You feel excited. This is your fight time going abroad. Your going on holiday to Spain for two hole weeks!

You pick up your suitcase and carry it onto the plane. You sit down next to the window and you pull out a book to read. A boy comes and sits next to you. You distantly notice his cheeks are red. You ignore him for a moment and carry on reading your book. Then you glance at the boy again.

It couldn't be...... could it??

You look again, closer.

It is! Robbie Kay is sat next to you!
He sees you looking at him.

"Hi!" Robbie says, smiling.

"H-hi!" You stammer.

"My names Robbie Kay!" He tells you.

"Yes I know!" You laugh. "I'm a big fan of you and I love you- uh your work!"
You stifle your gasp. You had almost told him that you loved him. How stupid was that?

"Aw thank you!" Robbie gasps. "That means a lot!"

"No problem!" You grin.

"What's your name?" Asks Robbie.

"Y/N!" You answer.

He smiles at your name. "Ooh pretty name!" Robbie coos.

"Thanks you!" You say, surprised.

"You are welcome!" Robbie smiles.

You look at him again and smile. Now that your looking at him you can see how cute he is. He has brilliant green eyes and a small scar on his forehead. His British accent is perfect. His hair looks really soft and is a sexy brunette. His cheeks are slightly red. His lips are pink and look soft and so inviting to kiss. He is just wearing a black top with jeans and trainers.

"So where you headed?" Robbie asks.

"Spain!" You answer. "I'm going on holiday tehre for two weeks!"

"Cool, actually I am too!" Robbie gasps. He is still smiling at you.

"Omg!" Is all you can manage to say. "Breathe, breathe!" You think.

"I know, it's such a coincidence isn't it?" Robbie laughs.

You laugh too. "Yeah it is!" You say.

"What are you reading?" Robbie asks.

"Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban!" You reply. "There my most favourite books in the world!"

"Mine too!" Robbie tells you.

"Wow!" You whisper. Your really finding it hard to breathe. You had always dreamed of someday meeting Robbie Kay, because he was your idol and you loved him so much. But youd never ever thought it would actually happen! Yet, here you were, sat next to him and chatting with him, and better yet, you were both going on holiday to the same place! You just can't believe it.

Robbie has one of his headphones in and he is listening to a song on YouTube. You look over his shoulder and you gasp.

"Hey that's my favourite song!" You gasp, shocked.

"Really? Cool." Robbie gasps. "You wanna listen with me, Y/N?"

"Sure, okay!" You agree. Robbie puts his other earphone into your ear and you both listen to the song together. After a while, the flight attendants come round offering drinks. You and Robbie both have a hot chocolate.

"You know something, Robbie?" You say as you drink your hot chocolate.

"No, what?" Robbie asks slurping his drink and getting hot chocolate all around his mouth.

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