Strange Run In

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(This one is quite emotional guys!)

You are alone at home. You are nearly always alone. You feel very lonely.

You walk into your lush garden. It's a boiling summer's day. You wish that something exciting would happen to you, like meeting your idol, Robbie Kay. Like that will ever happen, but hey a girl can dream, right???

You lie on a comfy sunbed looking up at the sky and taking in the summery day. The sun glazes on your face, tanning your skin. You put your sunglasses on and have a cold drink beside you. You just lie there on the sunbed and just sunbathe for a bit.

You are just drifting off to sleep, when you hear the hedges in your garden rusting. You gasp and jerk up, your sunglasses falling off. It sounds like someone is breaking into your garden! You panic and look for a weapon to defend yourself but the only thing out there is your drink.
The rustling gets louder, like someone is trying to push themselves through your hedge! You try to be brave.

"Who's there?" You call bravely. No answer, just more loud rustling.
"Come on, show yourself!" You cry.
You're trying to be brave, but in reality your very very scared. A boy pushes his way through your hedge. He is not that much older than you, 3 or 4 years at the most. As you take him in, your fear instantly vanishes, and It is replaced by shock.

"Robbie Kay?!" You gasp.

Yes, it is Robbie Kay alright. But he looks absolutely terrible. He looks like he has been travelling for days. His clothes are all ripped up. He on has on a top jeans and trainers, with no coat or anything to keep him warm. He's alarmingly thin, almost skeletal. His hands and arms are all cut up, presumably from pushing through your hedge. He has huge bags under his normally lively eyes, which are bright red. His skin is deathly white. Tears are running down his cheeks. He looks like he has been ill and that he hasn't ate or slept for weeks. He doesnt look like his usual kind self at all. He collapses weakly in the grass. Whether its from all the crying he has done or almost starving to death, you dont know. You rush over.

"Robbie!" You gasp, rushing over to him. You half lift him up of the ground. "Robbie, what happened?" You can feel his entire body shaking and can hear his heavy breathing. You can see his ribs sticking out thru his top. He doesnt answer, he just looks at you thru half shut eyes. You can feel all his bones and joints in his skin, particularly his ribs and his pelvis, hes that thin from starvation. Despite it being a warm summer day, he feels as cold as ice, like he hasn't been inside for ages. Yes it was warm in the day, but at night it was freezing cold."Robbie, hey!" You say gently, as you stroke his face gently. He is boiling hot.

His eyes roll. "Help me!" He manages to gasp out, all raspy, and then he shuts his eyes. You know you have to get him help and fast.

You lift Robbie up off the ground, and carry him into your house. You lie him on the sofa and put a blanket over his cold, shaking body. You mind was reeling with questions. What had happened to Robbie? Why hadnt he ate? Why hadnt he slept? Why wasnt he at home with his two sisters, Fiona and Camilla? He seemed very sick. You make him a hot chocolate and get a thermometer to take his temperature. You also root around in your fridge and get him some food and water. You put a cold flannel on his boiling forehead.

While you wait for him to open his eyes again, you pull put your phone and go on Instagram, trying to find out why Robbie Kay was like that. You look at his sisters profiles, Fionas first. You see on her last post it had a serious note on the thumbnail. You click into it and you see that Fiona had captioned this on her last post:

"Guys please, me and Camilla need help instantly! We had a fight with our youngest brother Robbie and now we dont know where he is! We think he has run away because we went to far and we said something we didn't mean. We haven't seen or heard from Robbie for the last two weeks! Please, if any one sees him please let us know! Thanks, Fiona xxxx"

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