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a world where only fifteen pairs of soulmates exist in a millennium— surely they'd all found eachother by now, right?

december 9, 2005.
okayama, japan.

"and... here's your baby boy! congratulations!"

loud, sentimental cries filled the room— the two parents' eyes glossing with tears as they looked at their newborn child; riki.

mrs nishimura couldn't help the bright smile that engraved itself onto her face, heart radiating pure love as she looked at her son for the first time.

"the specialist will be in here shortly," her delivery nurse informed, mr nishimura nodding towards the young woman in understanding.

the doctors and nurses cleared from the room, mr nishimura looking down to his wife. "why do they need to call her in here, anyways? it's not like he'll have the color disturbance."

she tore her gaze from the baby, looking up at her husband. "we'll never know if we don't do the tests. besides, it won't hurt him."

a knock was heard at the door, mr nishimura running over to open it. he gave a smile at the specialist, bowing out of respect. dr huang returned the gestures, her hopeful eyes falling to the hospital bed as they always did.

"hello! congratulations!" she greeted mrs nishimura, stepping closer to her hospital bed. the mother sent a smile her way, "thank you so much!"

"so, i'm sure you remember the process?"

riki's mom nodded, "of course,"

dr huang leant down, asking for the newborn. mrs nishimura cautiously handed the baby into her arms, riki beginning to stir out of his slumber. "shh, shh.. you're safe with me, i promise."

the specialist walked over to the familiar procedure table, laying the baby down and carefully wrapping him in another blanket. she lowered the machine around his head, applying the right amount of pressure so she could see his brain activity.

the scans for every sense showed up as normal— until she finally got to the color-sensing area of the brain. her eyebrows furrowed a bit, leaning closer to the screen to make sure she was seeing everything correctly.

"is... is he okay?"

dr huang took a step back, moving the equipment from around the baby's head and taking him back to his mother's embrace.

she took out her small notepad, writing an app name on it. "activate this as soon as you're able to,"


december 10, 2005
seoul, south korea.

loud cries filled the room, sighs of relief escaping from mr and mrs haku— relief the baby girl had survived.

just two months after her older brother, shota, was born, mrs haku saw another positive pregnancy test.

during her final check-up, a month before the baby was due... she was found to be in labor. they rushed her to the hospital nearby, hoping and praying their babygirl would survive. and she did.

the staff cleared out of the room, the mother staring at the baby in her arms with love-filled eyes. "i wasn't expecting you.. but here you are.."

she thought of her name for a while, though she was never able to make her mind up— until now, it seemed like.

as she stared at her baby, the newborn wouldn't close her eyes— they seemed to be relaying a message to her mother. the two haku girls seemed to be having a staring contest, the older of the two suddenly laughing.

"you seem to hold the galaxy in your eyes, baby.. how about we call you.. byeol?"

she chuckled, causing the baby she held in her arms to chuckle, as well. the baby cooed, though that seemed a bit strange. "you like that name? byeol?"

the baby slightly screamed once more, a smile erupting from her father. "byeol it is."

the specialist walked in, a bright smile on her face. "hello! i'm sure you remember me?"

the haku couple smiled at the doctor, shota seemingly beginning to cheer once he realized the female's presence.

"of course, dr huang. it'd be hard to forget you."

she chuckled, "may i?" she asked, holding her arms out at the newborn.

the specialist brought the baby out of her mother's grasp, the two meeting eyes instantly. "oh! you have such pretty eyes! what's your name?" she cooed, the baby smiling.

"we decided on byeol. she likes it, i think."

"byeol?" the specialist asked, the baby evidently responding as she looked up at the doctor who'd placed her in a bed. dr huang laughed, eyes crinkling. "and here we were, scared you wouldn't be developed enough.."

the doctor ran through the regular scans, calmness running through her system once it came time for the color disturbance test. her eyes widened as she watched the lines tower downward, mouth falling agape.

"uh.. that look can't be good?"

she looked towards the parents, "it's very.. interesting."

it can't be? could it be them?

she brought byeol back to her mother, a small smile on her face.

dr huang took out her small notepad, writing a name and number down on it, ripping the small piece off and handing it to mrs shota.

"what's this? who's... nishimura?"

"your son has a soulmate."
"your daughter has a soulmate."

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