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"thank you for the meal, akina, it was amazing," ni-ki looked at the older as he stood up, jealousy still burning through his system.

akina smiled at the boy, "it was my pleasure," she then looked at the rest of the group, "you guys can go do whatever, no need to worry about helping me,"

not listening to akina, like always, the members and byeol were quick to gather their dishes and put them in the sink, all standing in a line to give her a kiss on the cheek afterwards. ni-ki watched as they did so, also putting his dishes in the sink. he awkwardly laughed as it came his turn, just barely pecking the older's cheek before running up to byeol's room.

byeol watched as her soulmate zoomed by her, looking back at akina who was also laughing.

she walked up to her room, opening the door only to see the seven boys in different places in her bedroom.

as expected, theo had secluded himself as he layed on her bed while the rest of the boys sat in her hammock, beanbags, and desk.

the girl slightly smiled at the sight, walking towards theo as she watched the other six joking around with eachother.

the two layed beside eachother, a normal sight for piwon.

not for ni-ki.

theo'd opened netflix for him and byeol to resume their show, habitually cuddling beside eachother as they began watching.

the group of eight stayed as they were for a while, the members getting to know the freshly debuted idol a lot more than they'd expected.

ni-ki was never able to fight off the burning sensation still in his system, a hint of sadness mixing with it without meaning to.

the time soon came for the group to return to their dorm, ni-ki saying goodbye to his new friends after exchanging phone numbers. theo also went over to say goodbye to the younger, after having said his goodbye to byeol.

ni-ki's wandering eyes caught the pair's goodbye— their natural hug and kiss on the cheek being nothing out of the ordinary.

boom. more anger.

byeol eventually said goodbye to the others, walking the group to their car before heading back towards her room.

a small grin lingered on the girl's face as she returned to her room, her slightly crinkled eyes turning sad as she saw ni-ki's expression as he sat on her bed.

she could tell it was sadness, mixed with anger, mixed with something else she couldn't fathom.

she closed the door behind her, slowly approaching the boy. the idol kept his eyes traced on the ground, not wanting to speak to the girl.

she sat beside him, "riki?"

he stayed quiet, fingers playing with eachother to keep himself calm.

"riki," she called out, met with silence once again.

she sighed, eyes trailing from his face to his hands, noticing his fidgeting.

she reached out for them, pulling the two apart before intertwining their fingers together. she softly moved her thumb over his hand, eyes expectedly watching his face.

a few minutes of the two simply sitting there pass by, byeol's movements never halting. ni-ki finally snapped out of his sudden daze, the boy removing his hand from her hold.

byeol's eyebrows furrowed from confusion, head whipping to the side as she watched the boy place his hands back together.

"riki?" she asked again, this time receiving a wordless response.

said boy turned his head slightly to the side, giving the girl hardly any view of his face.

a pit of anger suddenly churned inside of her, only for a split second — yet she became confused as she hasn't felt mad.

she turned the boy's face to look at her with her hands, the boy avoiding eye contact with her.

"why aren't you looking or talking to me?" she asked, once again receiving no response.

the boy stood from his place on her bed, walking towards her desk.

she let her hands fall back to her lap, "did i do something?" she asked,

he scoffed.

"oh? so i did?"

he was now sat in a chair, looking out her window. he rolled his eyes at her words.

"what did i do, rik?" she asked, defeated.

her change in tone made the boy look at his soulmate, studying her expression.

she was both confused and sad.

"you and taeyang," he mumbled, just barely clear enough for byeol to hear.

"what about me and him?"

he scoffed once more, now making full eye contact with the girl. "don't act so innocent."

she stood up, "what do you mean? what are you talking about, dude,"

"you're all lovey dovey with him. are you two a thing?! i'm so stupid. i shouldve known-"

his rant halted after he felt small hands on both sides of his face.

his eyes shot down, making direct contact with byeol's.

"do you really, actually believe the words you're saying right now?" she asked him, voice stern but calm.

the same unfamiliar pit in her stomach causes her to feel a sense of nervousness, going away after a second.

ni-ki finally responded, "it seemed like it."

the girl bitterly laughed at his words, redirecting her gaze in his own once more.

"he's my brother's friend. he's nineteen. you're my soulmate. no we're not a thing, we've just been super close since i met them." she explained, removing his face from her hold afterwards.

she walked back to her bed, now feeling her own sense of slight fury running through her insides.

the boy remained standing, sighing after he realized byeol's words were genuine.

his eyes trailed to where she sat, staring at the girl who now held a giant plushie in her hands.

his frown turned into a smile for a split second, though he didn't know what to do with his body.

what the hell have you done to me, haku byeol?

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jealous riki pt2 :o
byoki(?)'s first fight :[

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