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// mentions of covid.

byeol sighed as she got off the phone with the group's manager, the older having let her know that the first member had officially tested positive.

she placed her phone down on the table beside her, rubbing her face with her hands in slight frustration which'd mixed with worry.

she'd yet to see her soulmate this week, tomorrow being the last possible day for both to stay healthy. she was in the middle of shooting an episode, too— the world seemed to be working against her.

she picked up her phone again, dialing ni-ki's number.

"star?" he spoke, clearing his throat.
"hi, jag.. how are you guys?"
he sighed, "jake hyung feels guilty for some reason.. we all just got tested again," he said, sniffling.

she silently chuckled, "the swab has you messed up?"
"are you feeling sick at all, though? like, should i be even more worried than i already am?"

the boy chuckled, "no need to worry, star.. i'm feeling okay, just worried for the boys,"

she hummed, playing with her pants.
"how about you? how's the shoot going?"
she looked around the dressing room, seeing some of her teammates scattered around the room, engaged in their own worlds. "it's going good.. LACHICA girls said something that kinda.. made me sad earlier," she sighed, "but it's okay, it's all for the show,"

ni-ki frowned as he concentrated on the girl's voice, mindlessly playing with the small stuffed animal on his bed as his lips formed a pout.
"don't let them get to you, chieko.. you're more than what everyone's made you out to be,"

she sighed for the nth time that day, "your fangirl is what i'm made out to be, rik,"
he paused, "well, you can't really escape me.. sorry.." he trailed off, jokingly. the girl quickly caught on, giggling at his words.

"well.. tomorrow's our deadline, would it be safe for us to meet up? i don't want you weaker than you could possibly get," she trailed off after asking, holding her breath when she received no answer.
"why do you always worry about me, byeolie? you're literally in a dance competition show right now, i should be asking you that,"

she sadly smiled, "yeah, but.. you need to be okay,"

"i'm okay if you're okay," he said, sucking in a small breath before he spoke again, "i don't want to give you anything, though.. i've been locked away from the boys for a few days so i doubt i could spread anything but.."

the girl sighed once again, "i could.. wear a hazmat suit? just stay there for five minutes?"
the boy giggled at her words, "yeah, byeolie.. you do that."

"byeolie, you actually did that," ni-ki spoke in a surprised tone, opening the door only to come in contact with the girl's fully shielded figure, byeol's face barely showing out of the plastic in front.

"did i or did i not say i would?"
"yeah you did, i just.. wasn't expecting you to be serious,"

she looked up at the boy, barely able to see his face thanks to his outgrown hair and the two masks he'd put on for her protection.

"it's good to see you again," she lightly spoke, the boy nodding in agreement.
"it's been a while, hasn't it?"
she nodded, looking up after a split second, "but hey, our lives should get back to normal soon, right? i'm hoping it's only jake,"

"it wasn't only jake." she bitterly spoke as she scrolled through twitter, reading the company's announcement on the other members' positive tests.

a stray tear had made it's way down her cheek upon seeing the four letters included in the members who'd tested positive, her fingers mindlessly finding the call button once more.

"hello?" he spoke into the phone, byeol's heart wincing at his defeated voice.
"hello? rik?" she responded, hearing shuffling on the other line before his voice rang through her ears once more.

"hi, byeolie.. everything okay?"
she lightly scoffed, "shouldn't i be the one asking you that?"
the boy only sighed, "so you saw.."

"of course i did. i would've preferred hearing it from you, though," she pursed her lips, fingers tracing over the blanket she'd pulled onto her lap, the action helping keep her anxiety levels afloat.

"i'm sorry, star.. they haven't let me use my phone,"
she looked down, "it's okay, don't worry,"

"how are we gonna make it through, though? i have to be in here for weeks to make sure i recover properly.. we can't go that long without seeing eachother, byeolie," he worriedly spoke, making the girl frown.
she nodded even though he wouldn't be able to tell, "i was thinking of that, too.." she trailed off, her mind going to one person.

byeol stood outside the covid recovery center alongside dr huang, both wearing medical grade gloves.

she thought she looked ridiculous, however didn't dare to question the older's judgement, fully aware she was the pair's tie expert— besides heeseung.

the pair eventually made it to where the boys had been placed, dr huang turning to the girl as soon as they'd arrived outside the boy's door.

"i know it'll be hard since you want to see him, but please, just be a little patient.." she asked, the girl nodding.
"i just want to make sure we both survive these next few weeks," the girl said, knocking on the door.

inside, ni-ki's head had popped up upon hearing the sound, a smile on his face as he moved towards the door.

he placed a blanket on the ground, adjusting himself to a comfortable position before sticking his fingers under the door's crack, sighing in relief when he felt the girl's smaller ones wrapping around his own.

"hi, byeol," he said, leaning closer towards the door.
"hi, rik,"

the pair stayed in the same position for a while, dr huang having received a chair to sit beside the girl, a small smile on her face as she observed her— noticing how her eyes automatically brightened when he'd say something in a happy tone, how the gained a small sparkle everytime he referred to her by name.

she was in love.

she could only wonder if he was, too.

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a/n! waaa boring
chapter HAHA just
needed to get something
out for you :') forgive me

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