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mentions of hospitals &
previously mentioned injuries!

the driving paramedic had rushed the most he could to the hospital— very aware of who was at the brink of death in the back of his ambulance.

heeseung had made the pair hold hands, having forgotten the simple, however usually effective touch had no effect when the soulmates were in a state of unconsciousness.

all that could help now was dr huang.

the group made it to the hospital in record time, there being four paramedics waiting to wheel the pair inside upon their arrival.

heeseung and their manager watched with worried eyes as the soulmates' limp hands were softly pulled apart, following the nurses to the waiting room with rapidly beating hearts.

the eldest didn't like this. sitting in the cold, pale room— waiting, mentally wishing the youngest of his group would make it to see another day.

this damned soulmate tie.

he felt no bitter feelings towards the soulmate herself— if anything, he loved her. the lee boy had immediately seen how great of a person she was during their first meeting, glad the person the random japanese boy he'd started working with after a survival debut show was... her.

the two received no information on their wellbeing until three hours later, only an hour after dr huang had arrived.

"family of.. nishimura riki?" a doctor called into the nearly empty, antiseptic-stenching waiting room.

heeseung and the manager stood up almost immediately, bowing in greeting towards the older male.

the doctor moved towards the two, "is the family of.. haku byeol here, too?"

the manager spoke up, "um, we've contacted them, they're stuck in gangnam-gu for a few hours and have asked me to look after her,"

the doctor nodded, closing his file, moving his head as a gesture to follow him through the large building.

the pair walked behind the doctor, the semi-lengthy walk silent besides the sound of their shoes hitting the tiles.

the doctor turned to the pair once arriving at a room, slightly breathing in.

"so, it might be nice to know what's happened before walking in, right?" he asked, an airy chuckle that was hardly a chuckle sounded from his mouth.

the pair simply agreed, weakly smiling.

"mr. riki is.. okay. we were able to tell how they're soulmates, along with the report we received from the paramedics, so that is what explains his issues. it was all simply from the tie, and there are no physical marks on him,"

the two sighed in relief, internally giving thanks for his state.

"now, for miss haku.. it's a different story," he began, their heart rates speeding up immensely once the last syllable left his tongue.

"miss haku.. suffered immense blood loss from the injuries, as it was a very thin, however damaging blade. we managed to stitch up the deeper incisions, and we put a sort of.. ointment? on the smaller ones,"

heeseung's head lowered, his eyes closing as he attempted to imagine what pain the girl had to endure.

"besides that, she'll develop some bruising in multiple parts of her body and some swelling where we had to stitch the skin, but she should be back to normal in a few weeks! she's to return to get her stitches removed in about.. two weeks?"

the manager nodded in understanding, beckoning towards the door, "can we see them?"

the doctor nodded, "they've yet to wake up, and dr huang is going to be in and out of the room, but you two shouldn't be a problem to get around," he paused, lightly chuckling. "should they awake in the next.. hour?, please refrain from making any loud noises as their senses may be extremely~ sensitive for a while,"

the two nodded in understanding, bowing towards the doctor in gratefulness.

the doctor smiled in return, "call me with the nurses if you need anything else," he said, turning and walking away.

the two glanced at eachother, the member signalling towards the handle, silently asking the older to open the door.

the manager took a breath as he stepped inside,

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boring chapter.. sigh
couldn't just spill it all out,
though >:)

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