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it was finally Christmas day, the four being woken up by akina at 8 in the morning.

"mom~ why did you do that?" keeho groaned out after being kicked by the woman.

"because, steph, it's never good to sleep in on this day.. now, everyone come out, i cooked something good," she began to walk out the room, turning back around, slowly, "and if you don't like it.. keep that to yourself,"

the teens laughed, all four finally beginning to get out of bed after their rather .... eventful morning.

"okay, goodnight, byeolie," the boy'd quietly said as the others turned their phones off for the night, putting them to charge.

she watched as he began to crouch on the ground, setting up a makeshift bed for the third night in a row.

"hm? rik, why don't you sleep up here?"

though there was little to no light in her room, she was able to see the boy's eyes widen at her request.

"you want me to-"
"yes. i don't mind, besides, you have no bed down there, i heard you tell jungwon oppa how your back hurt yesterday,"

he sighed, unable to argue with the last part.

he hesitated, byeol eventually becoming impatient as she reached out for his hand. "we don't even have to be beside eachother, we can put a border if you'd like, i just don't want you uncomfortable,"

he sighed again, slowly nodding as he accepted her offer. sleeping in an actual bed *would* be nice, he thought.

she lifted her blankets, ni-ki carefully slipping into the warmth. he happily sighed, back slightly cracking from the missed comfort.

she slightly smiled, "goodnight, rik," she whispered, quickly finding his hand, giving it a squeeze before letting go.
"goodnight, chieko,"

the boy had stayed still, mind not allowing him to fall into the slumber it so desperately asked for— the nervousness getting to him.

literally why are you so nervous, not like it's the first time this happens, he thought to himself.

he'd felt the mattress sink down the tiniest bit a few minutes prior, smiling to himself as he knew she'd fallen asleep.

since he had the habit of hugging something when he fell asleep, he attempted as using a blanket she had as his 'something' — though that was nearly instantly a 'no'.

he placed the cloth on the other side of him, lifting his head up in search of his soulmate.

his eyes adjusted to the darkness, finally able to spot her petite being.

the boy carefully scooted himself closer to the girl, careful to not hit anything that could potentially wake the girl.

he was careful to wrap his arms around her figure, finding a place to snuggle his face into.

that's when he'd finally been able to slip into dreamland — until the morning, of course.

the boy'd woken up with the sound of akina's knocking on the door, quietly groaning as he tried stretching himself awake.

emphasis on the word tried.

he'd instantly felt the body in his hold, crimson flooding his cheeks as he looked down at the girl.

as awestruck as the first time he'd come across her post.

he was quick to knock himself out of his own thoughts, practically forced to as he'd heard stephen's throat clearing.

he looked towards where the two older males had slept for the third night in a row, catching their teasing gazes as akina walked into the room.

as byeol was still asleep, and ni-ki hadn't caught onto how others could easily wake her up, he began doing the first thing that came to mind,

shaking her awake.

he tried for a few seconds, looking up in despair when he heard three different laughs.

all from the three watching his struggle.

his face once again flushed in embarrassment, shota calling his name.

"she wakes up really quick one way ... but you might not want to do it,"

ni-ki's eyebrows furrowed at his statement. what could it possibly be?

"what is it?"
"kissing her face. she loves it, i don't know why.." the boy trailed off, looking at his mother.
akina threw her arms up in defense, "didn't know it was a crime to love my daughter,"

as the other boys laughed, ni-ki had turned an even deeper shade of red. KISS HER? LIKE DEADASS? i can't play it off as an accident anymore?!

he silently took a deep breath in in an attempt to calm his undying nerves, slowly leaning in a way to get more access to the girl's face.

he hesitantly leaned in, placing a chaste peck on her forehead.

byeol only stirred the slightest bit, leaning into her soulmates' touch even more than she'd already been.

the three watching silenced their chuckles at the girl, watching as ni-ki repeated his action, now adding a second kiss on her cheek.

she stirred a bit more, now furrowing her eyebrows — yet still asleep.

ni-ki now let out an audible sigh, what are you doing to me, byeolie.

he leaned down for the third time, landing multiple kisses all over her face.

the thirteenth, and final, attempt at waking her up was a lingering kiss on the bridge of her nose, byeol's eyes opening once he'd released.

he blushed once more, realizing she'd definitely known it was him to wake her up.

she stretched, soon realizing she was in someone's arms — eyes widening as she came face to face with the day-older.

the three, who had been watching this entire time, began to chuckle, the two looking at them.

byeol, surprised, sleepy, flushed.
ni-ki, embarrassed, blushing, and amazed at himself.

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feeling generous so ..
nari + byeol update

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