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it was the second day of filming, the group plus byeol at the studio at dawn.

k and ej had finished filming their opening scenes, byeol saying goodbye to the soon-debuting boys as the manager walked towards her.

"hey, byeol? can i talk with you for a second?" he asked, the girl able to feel his nervousness radiating from his figure.

"of course," she replied, moving away from the room where the members sat speaking with the camera directors.

"so," the manager began once he closed the door behind the girl, byeol nervous she'd done something wrong and he was planning on scolding her. millions of thoughts ran through her head, though his following words quickly knocked her from dreamland.

"did ni-ki or any of the members tell you about our plan for the music video?"
"hm.." she thought for a moment, "no? i didnt even know the name until yesterday," she said, lightly chuckling.

"there's a scene where a girl is standing on a tall platform and the members look up at her, and also one in the very beginning where a girl picks up the invitation and at the very end where she goes up and knocks on the front door after the party ends," he explained, the girl intently listening with curious eyes the entire time.

"oh! that sounds so cool!" she remarked, lightly smiling to show her genuinity.

"yeah, it's supposed to be really enticing and draws in with their storyline well... except,"
"the girl we asked to help us isn't able to come. she barely told us today,"

byeol's eyes slightly widened, wondering why he was telling her this. however, her question was short-lived.

"would you mind being the girl in those scenes?" he asked, quickly noticing her shocked eyes.

he hurriedly began again, "your face won't be in anything! no one will be able to tell who you are, we just really need a girl to pull these scenes off and we have no-"

"i'll do it,"

the manager continued ranting for a few seconds, before halting his tangent. the words steadily processed in his mind, "you said.."
she chuckled, "i said i'll do it,"
his eyes widened in relief mixed with gratitude, refraining his impulse of hugging the young girl at her acceptance.
"great! could you film the first scene right now? there's enough time for the stylists to get you ready in time to film it properly,"
byeol nodded. the two walking back to the dressing rooms.

the boys watched as she came back in the room, ni-ki approaching with confused eyes as he watched her sit in a makeup and hair chair.
"uh... what was that about?"
"you never told me you guys were gonna film with a girl,"
he slightly chuckled, "it was-"
she interrupted before he could continue, thinking he thought she was upset at the fact.

"don't worry rik, i'm not mad," she chuckled, the boy sighing in relief. she began again, "just, i'm the girl now,"

the boy's eyes widened in surprise, "you're the girl?!" earning the boys' attentions with his exclaim.

"she is?!"
"she's gonna film with us?!"

by now one of their stylists had appeared behind the smaller girl, the boys watching with intrigued eyes.
"yes, byeol is filming with you guys, and i'm gonna be in charge of making her more beautiful than she already is," she began playing with the girl's long hair, "there's not much we have to do... she really is so pretty," she said, making byeol begin to reject her endless compliments.

her soulmate simply watched, internally agreeing with their stylist 누나, yeah, she is.

only about an hour and half passed, the two stylists assigned to byeol happily talking with the girl, getting to know more about her.

ni-ki had sat by the entire time, seeing as he had nothing better to do.

even if he did, he'd choose looking at the day-younger over anything else in this world.

"okay~ we're all done!" the makeup stylist, areum, happily said, putting the final lip gloss swipe on the girl's lips. byeol opened her eyes, shocked to see how much prettier she looked.

"wow, areum-씨-" she began to say, the older stopping her words. "byeol, we're gonna be around eachother a lot as more time goes by.. you can call me and lina 언니 if you feel comfortable with it,"

as the girl continued speaking with the two stylists, a certain someone's eyes couldn't seem to get themselves off said girl's reflection.

a few minutes passed, byeol suddenly realizing the calmness from beside her. she heard lina chuckle as she looked behind her, byeol slowly turning her head until she found the prime suspect of the humour.

she caught her soulmate, whose eyes seemingly sparkled— probably from the vanity lights, she told herself, staring. she felt her cheeks lightly burn from slight embarrassment.

"c'mon byeol, we have your uniform ready," ha eun, their main stylist, called into the room, the girl quickly standing in order to potentially save herself from any further embarrassment.

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tfw i replace nari with
byeol 🥲🥲 neways another
calm chapter before the storm >:)

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