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byeol lightly sighed, gently placing her hands on each side of the boy's face, ni-ki moving away.
"what are you doing?"

"do you not trust me anymore?" she finally spoke after minutes of dead silence, the boy's expression breaking for a moment. he waited a second before looking back into her eyes, showing her the ghost of a nod.

she returned the gesture, placing her hands on either side of his face, bringing her own closer.

she moved until their noses almost touched, not quite, though.

"do you really, really, in your heart, believe i have someone else?"
"how'd you-"

she chuckled, cutting him off, "i think you forgot when one of us is in distress the other can hear their thoughts, nik. that's why i came in here,"

he looked down, however returned his gaze to her own as he felt her lightly tug at his hair.

he internally sighed, "but.. who is he?

she giggled, letting go of his face. "he.. first, is a she. and second, you know her.. or, of her,"

the boy furrowed his eyebrows, mind tracing over any and all of the girl friends byeol could possibly have— yet no one came to mind. the boy shook his head, pure confusion showing through his orbs.

byeol bit the side of her lip as she thought for a moment, wondering if it was time to tell ni-ki the truth. she sighed, putting her arms down, reaching her hand for his own before leaving him back towards the bench to sit.

"..well?" ni-ki asked, slight nervousness bubbling in the pit of his stomach, for whatever reason.

"i don't want you to hate me for not telling you this earlier," she began, ni-ki shaking his head.
"i don't think anything could make that happen,"

she lightly smiled, looking down to her lap as she gathered her words in her mind.
"you know WayB?"
"like... the group?"

she giggled, shaking her head, "no, rik, the label,"
"the... dance team?"
she nodded, the boy nodding in response.

"i got offered a position with them a few months ago," she quickly let out, the boy's eyes widening in surprise as the words registered in his mind.
"star! that's great!" he exclaimed, bringing the girl into a hug, looking down at her, "why didn't you tell me?"

she sighed, "i didn't know if i wanted to take it.. those unnies are all older than me, i don't know if my skills would be, you know, as good as theirs,"
ni-ki's eyes got smaller as he slightly glared at the girl, "byeolie, have you gone mad?" he began, "you're literally one of the best dancers i've ever seen,"

she smiled, "thanks, jag,"

"i still don't know who you're eric is, though.." he trailed off, sulking.
byeol giggled, holding his face with her hands again, making the boy face her, "that's noze 언니,"

his eyes widened, "you know.. noze 선배님?"
she lightly scrunched her nose, "of course, she's the one that asked me to sign with the label,"

"why is she your eric, though?"

the question sparked a memory portal in the girl's mind, taking a trip back to a year ago.

she'd just gotten through with posting her usual weekly dance cover, dropping her phone when she received a notification of her #1 role model, noze, liking the post.

byeol had seemingly froze in her spot, her mouth on the floor when she saw a new direct message notification from the same older girl.

with shaky hands, she picked up her phone, clicking on the notification. though the words have always been somewhat foggy, it went something along the lines of noze complimenting the girl's skill range for her age— to which byeol had, in fact, screamed— also including a question of the dancer asking byeol if she'd be willing to meet up with her some day, wanting to discuss the wide range of opportunities she'd gain if she 'signed' under the label.

at which byeol had screamed again.

a few days later, after very minimal convincing needed for akina to agree, she arrived at the meeting spot her and noze had agreed on, the girl's eyes slightly widening when she saw the dancer's signature hairstyle.

their meeting was filled with plenty of shy giggles from the haku girl, the two getting comfortable with the other quite quickly.

the pair had then gone to the crew's usual practice building, showing her around before sitting down alongside her other crew members.

"ariel," she'd called out, the nickname byeol'd received a mere hour earlier for her brightly red dyed hair— proceeding to ask if she'd like to be apart of the team.

byeol was shocked, seeing as she'd only started dancing because her and her brother thought it was fun as kids— not at all a professional as the girls surrounding her were.

she was hesitant in answering, noze interrupting before she could reject. the older let her know she could take as much time as she wanted, however their appearance as a competing team was in the works for the following year, so if she wanted to, they needed an answer in the next eight months.

"so.. you said yes?" ni-ki asked, the girl nodding. "and.. you're competing on street woman fighter next month?"
"and for the next few months.." she trailed off, the boy's lips turning into a pout.

"but don't you need to be practicing with them? how did you-"
"i go when i'm not with you, rik.. the girls take turns in training me,"
he looked down, somewhat feeling guilty for not giving her time to properly train with her entire team, the solemn thoughts being heard by the girl.

she brought her hand up, using her fingers to lift his head, making eye contact with the boy. "no feeling bad, you didn't know,"
"but you could've-"
"but i also~ wanted to spend time with you,"

he softly smiled, eyes trailing downward again.
"guys will see you and want you.." he randomly spoke, the girl giving him an are you serious? look.

"but who is it that i want?" she lowly spoke,  causing the hairs on the back of his neck to rise.
he shrugged his shoulders, feeling his hair being tugged upward again, "who?" she asked again, eyes trailing over his face.

he sucked in a breath, "me," he breathed out, the girl teasingly leaning closer.
"who? didn't catch that," she spoke, their noses now touching.

his eyes couldn't help but to trail down to her pouty, rosey tinted feature, eyes quickly returning to her own. "me?"

her lip turned up into a smug smirk, nodding her head, causing her forehead to rub against ni-ki's. "that's right."

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a/n! did i get
too carried away?
do i regret it?
not at all!

+ a little something
for 90k views :(((

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