Chapter 12

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"Harry!" she cried out, her eyes glancing from her phone back to the staircase, before she slammed the front door shut behind her. She had driven over to Harrys place as fast as she could.

"Harry!" she called out again, as tears filled her eyes, the sound of Bunny's barks filling her ears. She heard footsteps, as Harry rushed down the stairs, worry filling his face, Bunny hot on his heels.

"Aud, are you okay? Deep breaths, relax." he said, holding onto her hands as she cried, in panic. He wrapped his arms around her protectively, not knowing what was happening.

"Did you see?" she muttered into his chest, making him raise an eyebrow.

"See what?" he asked, his heartbeat increasing, as she shook her head, looking close to tears once again. She didn't like this one bit.

"Here." she said, handing him her phone, which he took cautiously, his eyes glancing at Audrey's hesitantly.

His heart stopped once he saw the image, his wide eyes glancing up at his crying girlfriend, knowing that he too was suddenly close to tears.

"What the fuck?" he muttered, glancing back at the phone. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. 

There was, what seemed to be, a pap shot, through Audrey's windows, a very blurry image of naked Harry on top of a very naked Audrey.

"How-" he gasped out, tears filling his eyes, as he instead dropped her phone on the floor, and wrapped his arms around her. They both stood there, beside his front door, crying in each other arms, with Bunny nuzzling his nose into Harrys leg, trying to comfort him.

"Why is everything so hard when it comes to us?" Audrey said, in between all the crying, as Harry shook his head.

"I don't get why they can't just leave us alone." she cried out, her hands gripping Harrys body closer. He decided to pull them both to the couch. 

So he pulled away from Audrey, wiped his eyes with his palms, and carried her to the couch.

He pulled her close to him, his eyes blankly staring at the dark screen of the TV, as he saw their reflection on it. Bunny jumped onto the couch, nuzzling on the other side of Harry, and right under his free arm.

This was outrageous, that someone would disrupt their privacy so massively. Harry couldn't stop thinking about the picture, the picture that's probably on every newspaper possible, the picture that's breaking his girlfriend right now, the picture that's going to cause so many problems.

The loud shrill of Audreys ringtone interrupted the sound of the quiet sobs in the room, making the couple turn to the phone that was on the floor. Bunny immediately jumped up, and grabbed Audreys phone in his mouth, and rushed back and handed it to Harry, being the good dog that he is.

Harry pet Bunnys head, his eyes refusing to look down at the phone, knowing that it was probably Deliliah, or one of Audreys management.

Audrey looked up at Harry, before grabbing the phone from Harrys hand, and wiping Bunnys drool on her tshirt. She then picked the call, putting it on speaker phone.

"Hello?" she asked out shakily, still not over her small breakdown.

"I assume you've seen?" came out Liams voice, surprising Harry, because he expected it to be Deliliah.

Audrey instead on replying, let out a sob before she started crying again, clutching onto Harry tshirt. Liam and Harry sat silently letting Audrey cry it out, because they knew how bad this situation was. They didn't know how to help or what to do but they had to do something.

"We have to do something about this." Harry muttered, audible enough for Liam, as Harry once again wrapped his arms around Audrey, letting her cry on him.

"What can we do?" Liam replied, open to any suggestions.

"I don't know." Harry replied, as Audreys sobs stopped, and she stared at the phone, quiet tears still falling out of her eyes. It broke Harrys heart to see her like this. This wasn't fair on her. She's worked so hard for her career, and this shouldn't be the way she's treated.

"I'll talk to Deliliah and Jeff, and we'll see what we can do, alright? I'll tell them both not to disturb you both today." Liam suggested, making Audreys heart fill with love for her bestfriend.

"You'd do that for us, Li?" she muttered, sniffing.

"Yeah I would. You both didn't deserve this to happen to you. And plus I feel like Fel is gonna be way more furious about this anyways." he said, making Audrey turn to Harry and let out a small smile.

"Thank you so much, Liam." Harry said squeezing Audrey a bit, making her snuggle her head in his neck.

"It's not a problem. Just send me their numbers, that's all. We'll figure out which pap did this, and sue them. They know they aren't allowed to picture your private properties." Liam said, making Harry nod and Audrey to let out a sigh.

"Thank you so much, Li. This means a lot." Audrey said crying, as Harry continued to cradle her.

"Anytime, guys. Take rest, yeah? I'll call you later too." Liam said, before saying goodbye. Harry sighed as Liam disconnected the phone.

Harry quickly messaged Deliliah and Jeffs numbers to Liam, before putting both his and Audreys phone to the side, and cuddling closer to Audrey.

After a while, Audrey had dozed off, so Harry decided to just carry Audrey upstairs. 

He walked straight into his room, Bunny right behind him, and he placed her in his bed. He tucked her well, and kissed her forehead lovingly.

He then left the room with Bunny, shutting the door behind them and went back downstairs. He grabbed his phone again, texting his security team and management about the issue and that the responsible people were to be found. 

He then sighed, rubbing his eyes, before heading to the kitchen to cook something for him and Aud. He couldn't believe this. His heart hurt just thinking about it. He had no idea what to do, but he just wished he could help out in some way.

He sighed, grabbing eggs from the fridge. If there was something Harry knew to make very well, it was egg fried rice. He made it frequently, mainly because he knew Audrey loved it too. Sometimes he'd swap the egg for chicken and maybe some gravy, but now he just wanted egg fried rice.

He quickly made two plates, keeping Audreys plate aside for her to have later, before he headed to the living room, and sat down in front of his TV. 

He switched it on, some TV show from last night immediately playing. He browsed through as he ate his rice, suddenly stopping at a news channel. 

There they were.

That same picture was shown on screen, along with the woman who talked about it. What really annoyed Harry was the big bold letters written below it.


And with that, he threw the bowl of fried rice at the TV.

song of the chapter is baby blue by luke hemmings

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2021 ⏰

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