Chapter 2

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"Come on over. I'm calling over a few friends." Liam said to me over the phone, making me sigh.

"Why?" I whine, surfing through Netflix, my legs propped up on the coffee table.

"What date is it today?" He asked, making me sigh.

"22nd of April?" I said having no clue.

"3rd November." he replied scoffing. 

"It's Eva's birthday, and you're coming. How do you not know its November?" he said, making me mutter curse words at him.

"Fine. I'm coming, bye." I said, disconnecting before huffing in annoyance.

I never liked Eva. Liam just doesn't see it, she's literally such a gold digger.

I walked upstairs, grabbed my shades and shoved it inside a bag, slinging it over my shoulder. I then opened my front door, before dialing up Mason and asking him if he could drop me off at Liams. 

I got into my backseat of my BMW, as Mason drove to Liam's house, the soft voice of lady gaga singing on the radio.

I got out, once we reached inside Liam's compound, thanked Mason, as I walked to the door. 

"Audi." He said, opening the door, as soon as I rung the doorbell, giving me a huge hug, before I entered. I walked into his hall to see a few people watching Football.

I look around and noticed I was one of the last to arrive.

"How come I got a last minute invite?" I asked, turning to Liam, instead facing someone else.

"Oh, It's you." I say, nonchalantly. 

"Hi." he simply replies.

I raise an eyebrow and look at him. His magnificent green eyes, piercing through my own, doing things to me that I had never felt before. It was glorious. His jawline was so sharp, I was tempted to run my finger along it.

"You know I can see you checking me out, right?" He smiles cheekily, showing his dimples. I feel my cheeks heating up, intensely. 

"What do you want?" I ask him, trying to calm my cheeks down and ignore his observations. 

"Nothing. Just wanted to talk, you know, small talk." He says, looking adorable.

No. Stop. He is not cute. 

"I don't do small talk, but okay." I said, standing opposite him. We both just awkwardly stand there, trying to come up with a conversation. 

"Harry!" Niall says walking towards us. 

I let out a breath, as Niall distracts Harry, letting me wander towards Liam and Eva. I grabbed a glass of champagne from the tray.

"Hi." I said, stopping beside them.

"Yeah." Eva said back, making me roll my eyes.

"Do you know something?" I said, turning to Liam. Eva made her way over to the couch, ignoring us.

"What?" He asks. 

"Last night, when we both were drunk off our arses, me and Niall kissed for a bit. Fel separated us." I tell him, swirling the glass of champagne.

"What? Really?" He says, raising his eyebrows. 

"Yeah." I say, shrugging a bit. 

"Also, guess what? Me and Eva are moving in together." He says all excited, like a cute tiny puppy. 

"That's great!" I say smiling. Wait.

"Isn't Eva moving to California?" I ask, after a light pause. Liam shifts, uncomfortably. Oh no.

"I'm moving with her." he says, avoiding my shocked expression. 

"What? You're leaving London, Li?" I say, not believing what I heard. Me and Liam always stuck together. 

"I know. But don't you have a house there? Come with us!" He says, almost pleading. 

"Li, that's bizarre. I only go to Cali for vacations and I've got all my friends here and my songs are in progress. I can't just, leave, with you." I said. He looks down, biting his lip. 

"I'm sorry, Li." I say, shaking my head.

He nods and quickly turns away to the kitchen, causing me to follow him. He opens the shelf and gets two wine glasses. He sets them on the table and pulls a chair. He sits himself down and fills a glass. 

"Look Liam, I love you, but I can't do that for you. It's such a big thing, moving. You remember, right? We both were so terrified when we moved into London, even though our parents were not so far." I tell him, smiling a bit.

He nods and then smiles too.

"Except, this time, we get separated." he whispers, "But I really want you to come." 

"I can't do that." I sighed, "Do what you want to, Li. This is not my choice." I grab my glass of wine and walk out of the kitchen. 

This is too much pressure. I can't handle this much. He wants me to move to Cali, just while I'm in the middle of everything?

I sigh before sitting down on his couch next to Louis and Fel, and take a sip of my wine. 

"What? You're so stupid!" giggled Fel. I turned my head to see her blushing at Louis making her smile. "I'm not kidding." Louis said, smiling at her.

"What?" She asks again, "You really wanna go out with me?"

I try my best not to spit the wine and instead start choking. Fel and Louis turn their heads towards me and Fel pats my back as I cough. "Say yes!" I whisper towards her. 

She looks at me with a smile and nods. Once I stopped coughing, she turns back towards Louis.

"Yea sure." she said shyly, making Louis smile and reach over to hug her.

 "Hey Audrey?" someone said, making me turn around and see Harry. 

"Yes Harry?" 

"I wanna ask you something." He says, motioning me to follow him. I get up and we walk towards the hallway, me praying theres no more awkwardness.

"What happened?" I asked him. 

"Do you wanna go out sometime?" He asks being very straight forward. I wasn't expecting that. Maybe watching Louis and Fel rubbed off on him.

"As friends or as a date?" I ask him, nonchalantly, my fingers playing with my necklace.

"Whatever you're comfortable with." He says smiling. Those dimples. 

"Let's start with friends." I say, smiling once I saw a twinkle in his eyes.

song of the chapter is lost in japan by shawn mendes and zedd 

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