Bonus Chapter: Xavier's Story-I Can Love

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~~starts at the end of Chapter Twenty-One~~

I stop and frown. Was a robot supposed to think these thoughts?

How was Rowan any different from Ivory?

Why did I feel strongly for him?

I shake my head and start running again. Now was no time to be thinking about those things.

I have to save Rowan.

~~Time Skip~~

I stare at Rowan's unmoving figure on the bed. Something had happened when I saw Arthur...or Christopher, whatever. Something had clicked in my mind.


I look up.

Silvia stands there, wearing a white dress and combat boots. A diamond ring glitters on her hand. And a black camouflage jacket, complete with several pockets, was draped over her shoulders. Most likely Antonio's jacket. "What's wrong?" she asks, concern in her voice. "Your eyebrows are furrowed. What are you thinking about?"

"Nothing," I answer, smiling. "Nothing's wrong."

"You sure? You wanna talk, I'm here," she offers.

"I'm good." I grab my charger and smile at her again. "I'm gonna go charge, so talk to you later." I walk over to Rowan's bed, pull a chair over and plop down. I plug myself in and close my eyes, resting my arms and head on Rowan's hand.



Arthur pulls off my arm, and examines it. "Amazing," he says. "And you don't feel any pain at all when I do this?"

"No," I answer. "I don't feel anything."

"That's amazing," he repeats. Arthur reattaches my arm, and fiddles with the wires for a bit, fully connecting. Once he was done, he stands up and grins at me. "You still have your internal organs, brain, and heart, right?"

"Yes, sir. I just have mechanical arms and legs. And computer screen eyes and a hatch in my neck. I may also have some metal parts or atoms roaming around in my blood too," I add. "I'm not sure. It's either that or I just heal fast."

Arthur smiles evilly. "Does brainwashing or hypnotis work on you?" he asks.

"Yes, sir. I'm pretty sure. Why do you ask?"

*End of Dream*


I gasp in shock and bolt up striaght. I sit there, breathing hard, and just staring at Rowan's death-pale face.

Except now Alicia's here.

She looks at me weirdly as she replaces the towl on Rowan's forehead. "Are you all right?" she asks.

I catch my breath and look at my hands. They tremble.

I feel...


"Alicia," I began. "I remembered something."

"Yes, Xavier?" Ali asks patiently, dipping the cloth that used to be on Rowan's head into the basin of cold water. "What is it?"

"I'm not a robot."

"Ah, I see."

I got the feeling that Ali didn't believe me at all. That wouldn't work. I sigh and place a hand on her shoulder. "Ali, I mean it. I remembered something. I'm not a robot."

She sighs, drops the cloth in the basin and faces me. "I'm a robot maker. I'm Code Aria. I can't believe something that doesn't have proof. So show me some."

I groan. "Usually, I'm glad you're a robot maker, but right now, I hate you being one." I straighten my hand, and jab my hand into my right arm. "Here," I say as my arm falls off. "There's proof."

Ali raises her eyebrow. "Um, robots can do that too? I hope you don't mean the no blood factor. All robots don't have blood."

I frown. If that didn't work...then again, she was right. All robots can do that. I pound my chest with my fist once. "Listen. I have a heartbeat."

Ali sighs. "Fine." She leans down and puts her ear to my chest. I take a deep breath.

Ba-bump. Ba-bump. Ba-bump.

Ali gets up, her eyes wide. "Oh my gosh. Oh my fricking gosh. Are you--" Her words freeze in her mouth. "Hold on!" she grabs my shoulders, her hands still wet from the basin. "What are you then?"

"I'm the product of the first robot and human transmutation," I say proudly. "I'm a cyborg."

Her eyes widen with excitement. "Oh, my gosh."


She dances around the room. "I can't believe I've been talking to a cyborg and I didn't even know!" Ali gushes. "Oh, my gosh!"

Is she fangirling?

I laugh. "That explains a lot, though."

Ali stops dancing. "It does?"


"How so?"

"Well, it explains why I find things amusing, annoying, and stuff. It also explains why I can use sarcasm too. And," I add, glancing fondly at Rowan.

"It explains why I have feelings for Rowan."

Ali strokes my head softly. "Good for you, X."

I smile. "Ali, you're in love with Sebastian, right?"

Her smile grows wider. "Yeah. Why?"

"Um," I begin. "What's love again?"

Ali is silent for a moment. "You want to know what love is?"


She sits down next to Rowan. "Well, for starters you always start off with liking the person. You start to notice him a lot more than before, and you get embarrassed by little things. I honestly..." Ali laughs. "I honestly don't know how love starts. I guess it's just..."

"Wanting to be with them."

I blink. "Whoa."


"You barely said anuthing but that was..."

"What?" she asks, frustrated.

"That was so deep."

Ali laughs again and pats my head. "Why'd you ask, X?" she asks. Her eyes tell me that she already knows the answer, but I think she wanted to hear it for herself.

I lean over, and kiss Rowan's cheek.

"I found out that I love Rowan."



D.O.L.L. is finally done! I am so happy that so many of you are saying that you don't want this book to end, and I am really grateful that you all managed to finish my book without getting bored!!

Dedicated to @pokkapistol for voting and commenting on my books! Thanks so much!

The sequel is gone, and I'm sorry. I unpublished it because I had no motivation to finish it, and there was no plot for me to continue with it on. Sorry to those who didn't get a chance to see a little bit of it.

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