Chapter Two

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Written and published December 24, 2014

Rewritten and edited May 5, 2016


Sebastian bursts into the dining hall, his face tight with anger. "Dad!" he roars at the top of his lungs. His golden eyes are aglow with rage and his gaze swings towards the male sitting casually at the dining table.

Our dad looks up from where he was sitting, eating leisurely in a priceless jacket that might've cost as much as three mansions. This guy uses money way too easily.

"Yes?" he asks gruffly, wiping his mouth daintily on a napkin that had been sitting on his lap.

Sebastian glares daggers at him and picks him up by the collar easily. "Dad, you rotten, evil minded-"

I pull at his arm. "Sebastian, it's fine!" I protest. "I'm fine so-"

"Like hell you are!" he yells. He shakes our dad. "Hey! You starved Rowan when I was on my trip, huh?!" he asks, tightening his grip on the man's shirt.

Our dad sighs. "Is that all this is about?" he asks calmly. One of his big, rough hands wrapped around Sebastian's arm. "Put me down, son."

Sebastian grips the collar tighter, and Dad coughs. "Don't sound so calm, old man," he growls furiously. "And don't call me your son, you fricking turd! I could kill you right now, you know that?!"

The maids and butlers try to help Dad but one look from Sebastian and they're scuttling out of the way. Like crabs.

"Tell me," Sebastian says. "Did you starve Rowan?"

Dad nods, with difficulty, his face turning red from lack of air.

Uh oh.

Bad mistake.


Surprisingly, Sebastian didn't kill him like I thought he would. He just gave him a gigantic bruise on the face and stomach. And a few chokeholds. I'm surprised Sebastian hasn't been arrested yet by the military or whatever, since he had already been in jail twice because of Dad.

We sit in the stables, on the hay. The horses around us quietly eat their food and occasionally stomp their hooves.

I pull at his arm again. "Sebastian, you know you didn't have to punch him," I say, my eyebrows furrowing.

He rolls his eyes, but then zooms in on me. "Rowan, why didn't you tell me that he didn't feed you? I was gone for a month! Are you telling me you didn/t have anything to eat?"

I look away. "I had water. And a few crackers that a nice maid gave me every now and then."

Sebastian's yellow eyes flare. "That's it?!" he slurps his cup of coffee angrily, a few drops dribbling down his chin. "Next time that old man does something to you, you HAVE to tell me!" he yells as he wipes the caffeinated liquid off of his chin.

I shrug. "I'm fine," I insist. "I turn 18 tomorrow. I'm not a child anymore!"

Sebastian ruffles his hair and sighs loudly. "Rowan..."

I get up and walk over to my horse, a black stallion. "Lets go out to the city," I say, changing the subject. "I want to see Alicia."

Sebastian looks at me for a moment, leaving a pause of silence, but then laughs and stands. "Sure," he says, not changing the subject back to the prior subject.


"Alicia!" I call, walking into her restaurant. "Alicia!"

She looks up from where she was getting orders from a customer. "Rowan! Sebastian!" she exclaims, a smile as bright as the sun spreading over her face.

Sebastian waves, leaning on one leg. His other hand was in his pocket. Trying to look cool, the weirdo.

Alicia is our childhood friend, and she part-times as a waitress. Although, she's mainly known as a robot maker. Sebastian loves her, even though he has a fiancé named Valeria.

She takes the customer's order, and then guides us to the back room, her bright smile still on her face. "Just wait, yeah? I gotta go. My shift's almost over."

And with that, she leaves.

The back room of the restaurant Alicia runs is a bar. The restaurant is in the front, and if you ask or have a membership card that is only given to specific people, you can go into the back where the bar is.

Once she left, I adjust my hat and push up my glasses. "Sebastian..." I say in a singsong voice. "No need to act so cool, playboy."

He shoves me. "Shut it, Rowan," he says as a blush spreads over his cheeks.

"Still the same as ever, eh, you two?" a familiar voice asks, cutting through the air.

I look around. "Silvia!"

Silvia is Alicia's twin sister. But she's nothing like her. She had dyed her hair silver when she was ten, and she was more of the bad type. She and Alicia are like complete opposites, despite having the same face and body proportions.

She was leaning against the bar, chewing gum and grinning.

Sebastian waves. "Yo, Silvia."

"Hey, Sebastian," she says as she walks over to me. "You're turning 18 tomorrow, right?"

I nod, not saying anything. Since Silvia had threw me into a river when I was young, I was still slightly afraid of her. 

"Then you can finally buy a D.O.L.L.!" Silvia exclaims happily. "And you're finally an adult!"

Sebastian wraps his arms around me protectively. "Just because he's turning 18 doesn't mean that you can do whatever with him. And just because he can buy a D.O.L.L. doesn't mean he have to!" Sebastian says.

She laughs. "I wouldn't dream of getting on your bad side, Sebastian. And I'm just saying he CAN buy one."

"Uh huh. Keep telling yourself that, Sil," Alicia says as she walks in. She wipes her hands and hangs up her apron, before rushing towards me. "Oh, Rowan, my little boy! I can't believe you're turning 18!"

I frown, but it was hard since I was trapped between Alicia and Sebastian--who, by the way, was only hugging me to get hugged by Alicia. "Why does everyone think that I'm a kid?" I grumble.

Silvia laughs. "Anyway, Alice, I got to go to the town over for a job. Tell Dad that, yeah?"

Alicia rolls her eyes, getting off of me. "Sure."

Silvia works as a bartender, the bartender for the bar, but she part times as a professional sniper.

Yep, definitely the bad type.


Name: Alicia

Age: 23

Birthday: January 29

Height: 5'6

Weight: 111 lbs

Eye Color: blue

Hair Color: brown

Hobbies: reading, sewing

Other Facts:

--childhood friends with Sebastian and Rowan

Name: Silvia

Age: 23

Birthday: January 20

Height: 5'8

Weight: 108 lbs

Eye Color: blue and green

Hair Color: silver

Hobbies: (you don't want to know)

Other Facts:

--childhood friends with Sebastian and Rowan

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