Study buddy

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I groan and anxiously pace my living room, reading through Apollo's texts while mentally preparing myself.

The test results are out today, and although I have confidence in my abilities I also have incredible anxiety. It's hard to balance and understand, really.

My phone pings again and I sigh at Apollo's messages.

Golden Boy🙄
Hey, test results are out today

Want to go check the results with me?

Errand boy 💙
😬 I want to sleep in

Y'know, keep my skin fresh

Golden Boy🙄
Your skin is plenty fresh

Errand boy💙
Ha, easy for you to say. You haven't seen it up close lately.

Golden Boy🙄
I literally kissed you three days ago😀

Nvm, I'll check the results myself and call you when I get there, okay?

Errand boy💙

I shut off my phone and breathe out slowly, throwing it onto one of my many ottomans before collapsing on a plastic children's chair that I thrifted from an annoying god's nursery a couple weeks ago.

Resting my arm over my forehead and leaning my head up to my ceiling I close my eyes and wait. If I pass the written portion of the exam, there is an oral exam next. I'll have to write a speech on the chosen topic and petition my value for sponsorship.

My phone goes off from atop the ottoman, buzzing as it slowly falls slips off the edge. I lunge to catch it before it falls off, answering Apollo's call as I do so.

I grunt as I land on the hard floor, groaning as the air is slightly knocked out of me.

"Uh, Hermes? You okay?" Apollo chuckles from the other end of the phone.

"Yeah I'm fine," I assure him. "Just... uh tripped."

"Not very convincing, but I'll buy it."

"So, do you have the results?" I ask him, fiddling with my shirt anxiously.

"Aw, you nervous?" He chuckles. "Hey, don't worry. If you don't pass, I don't know who could."

I smile. "Yeah, thanks. Wait, I'm not nervous though!! I know I'll pass!"

I can hear his sigh. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever you need to tell yourself. I've got the results, hang on." There are some slight shuffling noises and a few scattered voices from Apollo's end, no doubt being the other students who are checking to see if they've passed. I wait a few more seconds before my eardrum rings with Apollo's sudden cheer.

I groan, distancing the phone from my face. "I take it that you passed?"

"Hell yeah!" He laughs. "And so did you! I mean, I was only ever on edge about my result. Everyone knew you would pass."

"Yeah, I'm a genius," I grin. "I'm really glad you passed too, now we can work on our speeches together."

"Oh? You inviting me to a study date now?"

I roll my eyes. "No, just figured you may need some extra help. I can lend you a couple braincells, that's all."

Apollo laughs lightly, and I smile."Well, I won't deny that I need your help. You know, I'm already on your side of campus... how about I drop by now?"

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