A New Start

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Aljaz and I have been together for five years now and we couldn't be more in love. We had been talking about moving in together and starting a family. I was lying in bed contemplating getting up when I heard my phone ringing, I rolled over and picked it up.

"Morning Bučka!" Aljaz said.

"Morning Bučko!"

"Do you want a lift to uni this morning?"

"Yeah that would be great! Are you sure? I don't mind getting the bus!"

"No it's okay I'm out anyway, I'll see you in half an hour?"

"Yeah that should be okay, I just need to have a shower! Thank you!"

"See you later sweetheart!"

I smiled and put my phone down. I was studying banking and finance at the University of London and I was really enjoying the course as I've always been good with numbers. Today however I wasn't feeling like going, I felt like I was coming down with something, I had a sore head and I felt sick. I knew I couldn't miss class though as I had important exams coming up. I dragged myself out of bed and jumped in the shower and did my skin care. I looked out the window and saw that it was a beautiful day outside so I decided to wear my favourite summer dress and a pair of baby pink heels. That was the thing I loved about uni was that we could wear whatever we wanted. I went downstairs and grabbed a banana for breakfast since I wasn't feeling like anything else.

"Good morning sweetheart!" My Mum said coming into the kitchen. "Are you feeling okay? You don't look like yourself!"

"Morning Mum, yeah I'm okay I think. I feel a bit sick but I'll be fine, it'll pass once I see Aljaz!"

"Has that boy asked you to marry him yet?" My Dad asked coming into the kitchen.

"No Dad of course not! We haven't even got a house yet, we haven't thought about that."

I loved my parents but sometimes it felt like they were trying to get rid of me.

"Right Aljaz is here! I have to go. Love you!" I said as I grabbed my favourite denim jacket and bag and headed out of the door.

"Morning Baby!" Aljaz said kissing me.

"Morning darling!"

"Janette, I have something to tell you..."

"What's that?" I asked worryingly. I knew there was something wrong, Aljaz was never this quiet in the morning.

"Do you remember what my parents did to you?"

"I thought we agreed we'd never talk about that ever again?! You know I still get nightmares about that, even now five years later! But yes I remember, why are you bringing it up now?"

"I got a phone call from the police this morning. My Mum and Dad have escaped from prison."

"W-what? What did you just say? How the hell did they manage that? Oh my god, I'm going to be sick!" I said panicking.

"I don't know sweetheart, but they were a part of a group of people who managed to escape, apparently five people got out last night."

"What kind of security do they have in that place?! Must be pretty shit if they let five people get out!"

"The police have told me to stay on high alert incase they try to contact me in any way. The same goes for you Bučka! They might try to find you when I'm not around to protect you."

"So what are saying? I shouldn't go to uni today? Is that why you offered to take me instead of me getting on the bus? I can't really miss class today, I have a huge exam next week!" I looked at my watch thinking of Aljaz didn't move this car now, I would be late.

"No Janette I don't want to take away your dream of studying finance, I know how much you love this course. I'm just saying you need to be more careful right now. That's why from now on I'll be taking you to and from uni until they are found, you'll be an easy target with no one around to protect you."

"Alright keep reminding me that I haven't grown since you met me!" I said laughing slightly trying to lighten the mood a bit.

"Janette I'm being serious! I don't want you going anywhere unless I'm there with you or you are with Dianne or Amy okay?!" Aljaz shouted.

"Aljaz calm down! I know you're scared and trust me so am I, but shouting at me and getting angry isn't going to help! Now can we go? I'm going to be late and I said I would meet Dianne before class." I said putting my seatbelt on and giving him a kiss. I'd never seen him like this before.

We pulled up outside the university and Aljaz grabbed my arm before I could get out the car.

"Ow! Babe that hurt!" I whimpered.

"Sorry I just don't want you to go that's all."

"Will it make you feel better if I tell my teacher that I need to have my phone on me all day and I'll keep you updated?"

"Yeah that'll make me feel a lot better."

"Right I'm finished at four, I'll see you then?"

"Yeah I'll pick you up here!"

"Okay bye Bučko!" I said getting out of the car.

A/N Hope you all liked the first chapter of my new story. I don't know if I'll be uploading as much as I did with my last story but I'll try and upload as much as I can! 💖

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