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Warning: this book will contain the topic of homophobia. If that subject triggers you in any way, this book isn't for you.

The bottle spun around inside the circle of sitting teenage girls that had formed on the floor, going in max speed, then slowing down in a set pace.

It was Kacey's birthday, which meant the girls hang out together to celebrate it.

Who was Kacey? If you asked most of the girls, they wouldn't be able to really answer the question. They would say that Kacey is their friend, but if you asked further about her, like what's her favorite snack, they wouldn't know. They don't really know anything about one another.

The big group of girls know each other for a while, but they never actually sat down and tried to get to know each other, it didn't really matter to them.

They all sat down together, gossiping, and talking for a long time, until they all became bored of it.

So, they decided to do something else, instead.

The girls had chosen to play their own created version of the classic, go-to party game, truth or dare.

The rules? simple.

The same basic concept of truth or dare, they all sit down in a circle with a bottle spinning around inside, and it's the turn of whoever the bottle lands on, but some aspects are changed.

You don't get the choice between truth or dare, it's all dares.

Not just simple dares like texting or calling someone either, those were usual and pretty boring in the eyes of the girls.

They wanted something exciting, so they all came up with their own way to play.

This is a game of what they call, 'spicy dares'. Instead of the regular dares, 'spicy dares' were some kind of challenges, a few more long-term than the others.

An example of a 'spicy dare' that was given that night is going to an ice cream shop and completely making up a taste that doesn't exist, having a meltdown in the shop and explaining that someone you know got it, and they are lying to you.

The dares don't have to be done instantly, and most of the time they are more long-time dares that could have a deadline. It really depends on the mood of the picker, and how miserable they want to make your life.

And you're stuck with the dare you get, no sneaking out of it.

Your fate is completely in the hands of the dare giver, they can choose to go easy on you, or they can choose to make your life extremely harder.

Though you can negotiate some aspects of the challenge, for example, the time you're given to complete it.

The core idea of the challenge has to stay the same regardless, no way to fully avoid it.

The one that would choose the dare this round is Amelia, and she is known for being merciless with her dares.

The girls nervously stared at the bottle that was seemingly spinning forever, and they all felt unlucky to be in this situation right now.

Besides the fact that they felt unlucky in this current moment, they were all extremely fortunate to be sitting where they are.

Getting invited to this certain house was something that many people craved, all wanting to be a part of this exclusive clique that had formed.

If you're lucky enough you might get invited for a 'testing phase', meaning that the clique would all hang out with you for a while, seeing what you're like.

If the majority find you fun and unique, you get in. That is unless Tyler said no. At the end of day, the final word in every choice was hers, regardless of what the group wanted.

That annoyed some of the girls, most of them actually, but they kept quiet, not wanting to lose their place in their friend group.

Was friend group the right word to describe the group of girls? No really.

With them constantly gossiping about each other and secretly praying on each other's downfall, they were anything but friends.

Sure, they were nice to each other mostly, but none of them really had what you'd describe as a friendship.

And the truth is, all of these girls, even as though they were surrounded by 'friends', still felt lonely sometimes.

The bottle was going really slowly now, until it had finally stopped.

Wide eyed, they all gasped when they saw who the bottle landed on, some quietly chuckling while Amelia was smirking at the girl.


"Oh, Charli baby, you have no idea what I have planned for you..." Amelia laughed as Charli sat there, wondering why she even came over.

i dare you - charli d'amelioWhere stories live. Discover now