6 - i'm loving it

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It's been a couple weeks since the first time Charli came over to your's and Madison's place, and let's just say that after that, things changed for the better.

It was a big step, sort of... Well, for you it definitely was, and it was for Charli too.

She felt comfortable while she was over at your's, and you felt comfortable hosting her.

All of the nervousness was lifted as soon as you felt her melt into your embrace, your arm wrapped around her.

The anxiousness for everything to be perfect and the need of her approval was gone, because you simply knew that it didn't really matter.

She felt in peace with you, and so did you with her.

That was the only important thing, the only thing that really mattered.

With that newly gained confidence, some tiny border between you had lifted.

Both of you stopped thinking before you talked. You stopped thinking about being judged for who you were, because you simply knew you weren't going to be. Simply and full heartedly knew.

She wasn't going to judge you, and you weren't going to judge her.

That was surely being kept in your mind as Charli comfortably rested her head in your lap, her legs across the couch as you watched a movie.

That feeling and thought of comfort, and safety.

You didn't when like the movie you were watching, in fact, neither of you did.
It was some dumb cliché movie that didn't even interest you, yet you both still watched it.

Why? Because it was with each other. Because you were spending time together and just having each other's company.

"Hey," She turned to look upwards at you, "This movie kinda sucks, doesn't it?"

"It does. I thought you like it because you didn't say anything, so I didn't want to stop the movie." You shrugged.

"Seriously?" She sat up and raised an eyebrow. "You thought I like this?"

"I don't know, why didn't you tell me to change it then?" You laughed, stopping the movie.

"I thought you liked it." She argued, smiling.

"Me?" You asked, sounding shocked.

"Okay let's just agree that next time if one of us doesn't like the movie, she'll speak up." She suggested.

"Good idea. What do you want to do instead then?"

"Let's think about it for a second." She said, and paused. "Oh! What if we just go on a walk near that dock area the amusement park we went to is at? It's kind of hot today and there's a nice breeze near the beach."

"Oh my god, the amusement park! Do you still have the little bear I won on your bed?" You excitedly asked.

"Of course I do, y/n. I hug it every single night." She answered like the answer was obvious.

"Well Monkey is a very cute teddy bear, I don't blame you." You pointed out. "And don't say that I'm biased because I got it for you, you know I'm right."

"I still cannot believe I let you call a bear by the name Monkey, but yeah, you're right. He is very cute. Reminds me of his mother..."

"Hey don't come at me like that, monkey was the only name I could come up with. Oh and, mother?" You asked.

"Dumbass, it's you. You are his mom." She laughed. "I still can't get over the fact that I have a teddy bear named Monkey on my bed right now.

"Hey, you can't complain because you let me name him, so it's kind of your fault. Monkey is a very cute name. And, aren't you his mom too? I mean, you're basically raising him, aren't you? Are we parents?!" You joked around.

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