5 - i can't wait

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When you got home you couldn't stop thinking.

About what?


It felt like your mind was running in an endless marathon, accelerating and speeding up, never stopping to rest or slowing down.

It was overwhelming and tiring, but almost in a good way.

Because the thoughts running through your head weren't bad ones, you kept thinking about how good it all felt.

About that day you shared with her.


You never stop thinking about her, do you?

Your brain loved bringing that thought up, the thought of her.

And that time, it was thinking about her in that day you spent together, running images through at astonishing speeds.

It felt like your brain was on a competition to singlehandedly be the fastest out there.

What was it competing against?

Nothing really.

It wasn't competing against anyone or anything, but now considering it, it was probably competing against time.


Why time exactly?

Because with enough time passing, you will forget those memories that popped in your mind. With time those memories will be tampered with and your brain wanted to remember everything exactly as it happened.

When you got home you weren't focusing on anything that was happening.


Your mind was obviously very busy.

Madison noticed that about you but didn't say anything.

It almost like she understood it without asking, she knew what was going on and let you do your own thing.

Your mind was occupied and you wanted to free the space.

And how exactly would a thing like that happen?


You figured that you had to document these 'dates' and your experiences together for the assignment anyways, so why don't you free those thoughts by doing something useful?

You often used writing things down as a way of venting, it was freeing, and you always felt lighter after pouring your words onto a piece of paper.

Well, sometimes you use your notes app instead, but that's basically the same idea.

"I'm going to work on that project for a while, okay?" You said to Madison that was sitting to your left on the comfy couch.

She paused the show she was watching, turned her attention towards you and said, "Okay y/n/n, you can go do that. What do you want to eat for dinner though? I could start making it now and then bring it to you while you're working if you want to?"

You smiled at her sweetness.

You always adored her heart of gold, she's always so kind to everyone without wanting anything back.

When you were little, you always saw her as a role model, the big sister you never had, someone whose footsteps you wanted to follow. You wanted to be just like her when you grew up, and you still do.

"Madi what did I tell you about cooking for me all the time? I really appreciate it, but you really don't have to do anything like that for me."

"Yeah, I obviously don't have to, I want to. I want to and I will. What do you want?" She asked.

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