2 - you're dangerous

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It has been a week, and your project is getting nowhere.

Neither of you could come up with any worthy idea, a couple coming up through the week but none of them were special enough.

You had a general direction you were pointing to, but neither of you could really exactly get there.

Although for you it might seem like things are stuck in place, like nothing is moving, for Charli it is.

For Charli, everything is moving in a perfect pace.

All of the pieces were falling in their place, slowly completing this big puzzle of her's.

While you were still sleeping, Charli was already up, getting ready while facetiming Amelia.

"Ew why this color of shirt?" Amelia randomly said, making Charli raise an eyebrow up at her.

"Excuse me?" Charli said, trying not to laugh.

You see, Charli does not give a single fuck about other people's opinions.

Well, she does, but only when it's people she cares about.

Charli knows these 'friends' she has are completely fake, it's obvious.
She also knows not to care about things they say to her, because they're probably lying to her out of jealousy anyways.

She's better than them, seeing right through their act and just behaving like nothing happened, and she is rarely fake to them.
She says her thoughts, and isn't afriad to actually uplift someone else when it's not for her own profit.

People often judge Charli because she is a pretty popular girl, but really, she has a heart of gold. And her heart of gold was secretly hurting because of what she has to do. She tries to shove those feelings deep down her chest and act like she enjoys it, when in reality, it only gets harder everyday.

"Yeah, this color just looks bad on you, you should change." Amelia said, applying mascara on her lashes.

"Amelia, I'm not going to change my shirt just because you told me to, come on. I think I look really good in it." Charli said, rolling her eyes at the girl.

The girl on the screen stopped doing her makeup and gave Charli a look.

"What? I honestly look really good in this, sorry. I know I look good." Charli stated, looking up at herself in the mirror, pleased at how she looks.

She doesn't need anyone else's aproval to know her worth, certainly not Amelia's.

"Okay, whatever." Amelia blurted and went back to doing her thing. "I just don't think this color complements your skin tone, it would probably look better on me to be honest."

"Then go buy the shirt yourself, I don't really know where you're going with this or what you want me to do about it." Charli sighed, annoyed at the girl's behavior.

Charli heared Amelia's phone ding.

The girl on the screen looked at her phone and quickly said, "Babe I'm really sorry but I have to go, love you, see you in school."

She then blew some kisses at the screen, and hung up, not even letting Charli say a simple bye.

Charli was honestly relived, and went downstairs to make herself some breakfast.

You on the other hand, were still sleeping, so Madison decided to wake you up.

"Wake up dumbass, I made waffles." Madison said, patting your cheek to wake you up.

"Go away stinky, I'm tired." You huffed. "Your cooking is shit anyways."

"Okay then, be late for school I guess." Madison shrugged, knowing that would get you to wake up.

i dare you - charli d'amelioWhere stories live. Discover now