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Flat plot thh

Charli was dared to be friends with y/n.

y/n likes Charli.

Charli starts to like y/n even tho she wasnt supposed to.

they have an assignment in english, and they go on different dates along the chapters for it.

at some point Madison sees Charli with Tyler, and doesn't tell y/n until later on.

y/n and charli talk about y/n family a little, not the full story

y/n found out she likes girls in the summer between middle and high school. She went to her mom for advice like she usually does, but ended up being kicked out and moved in with Madison.

Charli goes on facetime with Amelia and accidentally talks about it, and Amelia tells her the full story, thinking that Tyler just made a rumor up.

But it's true.

Then Amelia adds Tyler to the call, and they change the dare to making y/n fall in love with her instead.

Chapter 9:
Date under the night sky, cuddling and laying down to look at the stars, best one yet.

chapter 10:

After that date, Charli realizes she fell in love with y/n and finds it hard to do the dare, so she goes to tell them that she cant do it anymore.

chapter 11:

They tell her that it's okay, but then go and ruin things between Charli and y/n by texting y/n and telling her half the truth.

y/n's a little angry but doesn't really believe it, and Madison finds her, then tells her she saw Charli with Tyler once.

y/n cries and wants revenge or some kind of closure.

chapter 12:

then the fight & kiss scene

chapter 13: 

then they're awkward, still friends but with the tention of the kiss until Charli cries to y/n about her parents and y/n comforts her and asks her out.

in this chapter charli tells y/n about how her sister was outed by accident when her parents caught her and her bestfriend kissing, and they now won't call her their daughter, and she is scared the same will happen to her.

chapter 14:

They date in secret, until her parents find out somehow, and she moves.

chapter 15:

then a little skip to the future, where they see eachother in public somewhere and that's the end.

i dare you - charli d'amelioWhere stories live. Discover now