14 - addicted to you

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The ending is sad tbh

Charli felt so lucky having her arms wrapped around you, she felt lucky to be here with you in this moment. She felt lucky to be the one whom the universe chose to experience your love, and truthfully, every single day when she awakes she checks if it was all just a dream.

She felt so lucky because this was real, because she really had you.

Getting her parents to agree to this idea was difficult, but she's glad she did it.

Laying there under the stars and on your girlfriend's chest made you feel loved. Butterflies were making a mess inside the stomach of yours, butterflies that refuse to leave no matter how much time passes.

Her warm embarce and the sound of her beating heart radiated nothing but love and care, and you felt so lucky to be the one who gets to recieve all of that.

The peace and quiet around as you were enjoying each other's presence, and the light of the many stars in the sky just felt so right.

"The night sky is so pretty, right baby?" Charli asked, moving her thumb around on your forearm.

"It is very pretty, but you my girl..." You turned your head to face her. "You are so breathtakingly beautiful."

Your eyes met, and the moonlight reflected in them and made them sparkle.

You both started tearing up and feeling gravitated towards each other, you quickly closed the gap between the two of you, bringing your lips together.

As you softly kissed under the light of the night sky, a single tear dropped from both of your right eyes, a tear of pure happiness.

And as Charli felt your soft pair of lips against hers, a voice apeared in her head.

It told her to stay there, the voice begged for her to try to freeze time and stay in that moment forever. The voice was quiet yet very clearly heard, it was desprate for her to stay there and never leave.

She brought her thumb to your cheek and wiped the fresh tear away, and caressed your cheek as your lips moved in sync.

This felt perfect.

This really was perfect, this moment couldn't be described as nothing but pure perfection.

When you both ran out of air and had to disconnect your mouths, you once again met gazes.

Breathless and amazed, you simply and synchronizingly said, "I love you."

And as the words left your lips and were set free into the air, your hearts warmed because you could feel within every cell of yours that it was completely true.

"I just can't believe I get to call you mine." Charli said, getting that feeling of luck once again.

"Me neither, I can't believe that I got so lucky. I'm so lucky you are mine, and I'm nothing but all yours." You said, kissing her tears away.

"Best date yet." She kissed your nose and wrapped her arms around you.

As you were brought back into Charli's arms yet again, she kissed you on your forehead and closed her eyes.

She remembered that little voice again as she ran her fingers throughout your hair.

Little did she know how often she would look back at this moment in the future, and wish she would have listened to that voice back then. Wishing that what would happen next would have never happened, wishing she could go back and change everything.

If only she knew what comes next.

But she didn't know, how could she? She just enjoyed the moment and relaxed, her girlfriend tight and secure in her arms.


A feeling of safety of home filled your hearts.

But in life, everything is temporary. Nothing last forever, life comes and goes. People are born and people die. Feelings are lost, memories become forgotten.

Even something as magical as the bright sun and shining stars in the sky will reach their end one day and blow themselves up.

The end doesn't always have to be soon, but it always comes.

Everything ends, and endings are unavoidable.

i dare you - charli d'amelioWhere stories live. Discover now