15 - don't you know that you're toxic?

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Haha surprise

"I'll love you forever y/n." Charli said and pecked your lips, slowly making her way out of the bed.

Out of bed, she reached for her backpack and pulled out a letter she had made, putting it on your desk and moving your phone next to it, hoping you would see it when the alarm wakes you up.

She quietly opened the door to your room, already knowing how to open it so it won't make noise.

She closed the door after her, and met Madison who was sitting on the living room couch.

This surprised her, she didn't expect seeing Madison awake since it was very late at that point.

"Hey sister in law, where are you going?" Madison questioned, whispering.

"I need to go home, okay? I left a note for y/n, can you try to remember to tell her to read it when she wakes up? Make sure she reads it, it's very important." Charli whispered.

"Okay, but before you go I just wanted to thank you." The older girl got up and grabbed the younger for a hug.

Charli was confused, but returned the hug regardless.

"Thank me?" She asked.

"Yeah, after everything that happened, I'm so glad it all worked out.
I realised I never got to talk to you one on one and tell you all of this, so I might just do it now.
You make her so happy, when she is with you, she glows.
Maybe the start was just a dare, but I could see it was somewhat real.
It is real, what you two have is nothing but love. I'm honestly jealous.
I love you so much Charli, not in the way y/n does, but I do." Madison saod, squeezing the girl a little, then releasing. "You can go if you need to, want me to drive you home? It's late."

Charli just nodded, accepting the offer knowing how meaningful this will be for her later.

The ride to Charli's home was seemingly quiet and peaceful, and it was.

Well, at least for Madison.

Charli's thoughts kept eating at her, not letting her rest, not letting her feel at peace.

You however, were peacefully sleeping in your bed, unaware that the beautiful girl was no longer in there with you.

But like always, peace seems to be interupped when it comes to you...

Time passes, and you naturally wake up.

No alarm, no bad dream.

You're just awake and you can feel like it's really early.

You seem to have lost the grasp of the girl that was sleeping in bed with you overnight, no longer feeling her warmth ot touch.

Without opening your eyes, you shuffle around in the sheets, trying to find your girlfriend.

Thinking about Charli or referring to her as your girlfriend still feels odd to you, you never imagined it was something you would be able to do.

You moved around for a couple of minutes, but never found her.

Frustrated, you gave up and decided to open your eyes.

You opened your eyes, and was dissapointed to find out that Charli was no longer there.

'Maybe she's in the bathroom.' You thought, deciding to get up and look for the beautiful girl.

You got up from your bed abd looked out the window, noticing that the sun didn't even fully rise yet.

Curious, you looked for your phone to check what the time is.

You looked on your nightstand where you had left it, and it wasn't there, So you looked for it on your desk next.

i dare you - charli d'amelioWhere stories live. Discover now