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"No, Hannah, I will definitely not come with you to the tour bus of your favourite band right now! If they're as famous as you told me they are, they won't even notice you and probably only want to be left alone! They're going to perform a concert this evening for fuck's sake!" I spoke into my phone while I walked towards my favourite bookstore where I planned on buying the next part of my favourite series.

My best friend Hannah, who I was currently yelling at, was dragging me to a show this evening. It was her favourite band and she had a spare ticket. When she bought the tickets, the original plan had been to go with her boyfriend but they had broken up a while ago. So now she took me with her instead. Not that I was complaining, the songs she made me listen to were actually quite good and I liked them.

But you couldn't really call me a fan. Besides, I always thought it was a bit extreme to harass your idols in every waking hour. To worsen the situation the concert would be in our hometown so the band members consequently would walk around here, too. So my wonderful crazy fangirl of a best friend now tried to convince me to look for them all around town after she got bored and excited for the concert. A horrible combination in every situation.

"Please Y/N, I just want to have a tiny chance to meet them. You're already outside, can't we just look for half an hour or so? Or walk around the venue, maybe they're already there," begged the lunatic girl on the other end.

I sighed. "I know you really like them but we're going to the concert so you'll definitely see them today. And we got pretty good seats so you can look at them all you want the whole time. But stalking is not okay whether they are famous or not," I explained, hoping that would calm her down. I had to close my eyes for a second and pinched the bridge of my nose. This girl could be exhausting. Good for her that I loved her or she would be five feet under by now.

"But-" Hannah started to protest.

But she didn't get to continue it as I suddenly slammed into something. Or rather someone, I oh so wisely figured out as I almost kissed the ground.

Luckily, a firm grip around my arm saved me from making contact with the hard sidewalk. Immediately, I began to apologize to the person I just ran over. "Oh God, I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going!"

I looked up. Shit, why had I run into such a handsome guy? He was taller than me, pretty skinny, had a really sharp jawline and bleach blond hair. His eyes were shielded by black sunglasses so I couldn't quite read his expression.

"No problem, at least you didn't fall or anything. Oh, and your phone might be a bit damaged," the guy pointed out blankly. Embarrassed, I took it off the ground and ended the call without any further words to Hannah. At least the screen wasn't broken (unlike my dignity). I would apologize later for cutting her off but the person in front of me was way more interesting right now. And intimidating. Couldn't he at least smile a little bit? To be fair, I wouldn't smile either when someone ran into me.

To my horror, I noticed that he had been drinking something while walking, probably coffee or tea. And I had managed to knock his cup out of his hand. Shoot me.

"Oh no, sorry again for spilling your drink. I know a good coffeeshop just around the corner. Can I maybe buy you one as an apology?" I offered still feeling horrible for running him over and spilling his coffee.

The handsome guy seemed to scan me with his sunglasses-hidden eyes and I felt a bit self-conscious. My hair was a mess and I wore an old hoodie and black skinny jeans. Not exactly my best outfit but hey, I didn't plan on running into cute boys.

Then he nodded and said: "Yeah, would be nice. I can't live without my coffee."

I smiled. "Me neither. Oh, by the way, what's your name? Mine's Y/N," I introduced myself extending a hand for him to shake.

Why do I never look up while walking? [Mikey Way X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now