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I wanted to bang my head into the nearest wall. Really? I couldn't think of something better?

What relieved me to an almost comical extent were the falling faces of everyone, including Mikey. And this was nothing you should be happy about but it told me that maybe they did want me here. Well, me as a person and not just their tour guide I hoped. But that was a thought I shouldn't get into too deep to avoid passing out from anxiety.

"Oh" Gerard breathed out and shot a glance at his brother. Almost like he was disappointed. What?

Okay, should I keep spending time with them or go and wallow in shame? The incoming text saved me.

It was in fact Hannah who had sent me a picture of the very same men that were currently watching me intensely. And it was captioned with multiple heart emojis and the words they're so hot!!!.

I groaned. My decision was made, I would stay with them and think of an excuse. There was no way that I could deal with her fangirling in my current state of mind. Knowing me, I would blurt out every thought that ran through my head and tell her that I was on my best way of developing a crush on someone from her favourite band. Not a good idea.

"What did she say?" Ray wanted to know, assuming right that the text was from Hannah.

"Nothing important. I think I can stay with you here for a little longer," I very badly improvised and hoped that that was enough of explanation.

They bought it thankfully and nodded. Mikey smiled for the first time genuinely today and I just had to smile back. And what if I was blushing crazily it was only from thinking so fast. Yes, only from that.

For some reason, I couldn't stop looking at him with the most stupid grin on my face. But Mikey didn't look away either and suddenly there was a tension in the air that hadn't been there a minute ago. Was Miley about to walk towards me? I put away my phone without looking, gaze still glued to Mikey. God, this was weird, a little part of my brain whispered.

"Gee you have to sing something, the acustics should be awesome," Frank said excitedly, not noticing the tension.

Gerard shot him an exasperated glare which made Frank grin guiltily. Did he mouth a 'sorry' at me? What was happening? "Alright, midget what should I sing?"

"Don't care, just something to cut the tension between these two."

Aaand hello again tomato head. I buried my face in my hands and really wanted to disappear from the face of the earth for the next century. Geez, this was embarrassing.

A slapping sound could be heard and shortly after an: "Ouch, that hurt! What the fuck Mikey?"

"Shut up," Mikey groaned and I saw him walk towards me through my fingers, "please ignore them, they're all assholes."

"Hey, I didn't say anything!" Ray protested.

"But you didn't stop him."

Before the argument could escalate, Gerard just started to sing a song I didn't recognize. He immediately had all of our attention plus the few people walking around, his voice strong and full of feeling.

Frank went to one of the pews and started to clap a rhythm on the wood while we just listened to the song. Mikey was right next to me and I had to resist the urge to lean into his side.

After the little impromptu concert, we went outside so I could show them around some more. We went to the music store that was a few minutes away from my favourite bookstore and the place where I ran into Mikey.

The men were immediately fascinated by all the instruments and other utensils around so I let them to themselves and finally went around the corner to get the book I had been meaning to get.

I loved the cozy bookstore. It had a sofa area where you could sit down and read and if you knew the owner good enough, she would give you some biscuits and a cup of the preferred hot beverage.

There was no point in standing around anyway. But one thing led to the other and I was getting maybe a little too deep into my own world surrounded by books. So right now, I was standing in front of the shelf with the newest fantasy books when out of nowhere, a hand landed on my shoulder and made me jump.

"Here you are," Mikey smiled down at me lightly as I blushed again.

I offered a guilty shrug and a glance at the stack of books on the table in front of me. Oops. "Uhm, yup. You're finished over there?"

"Nah, the guys are still busy. I just wanted to make sure that you're alright as I didn't see you anymore," Mikey explained and studied the wall of books instead of looking at me.

Oh. That was... Nice. I felt a surge of affection for the bassist over the fact that he noticed my absence despite being around his band. "Thank you."

"And maybe I wanted to get you alone to ask if today was okay with you? Gee and Frank can be a bit much at times. Sorry for the little incident earlier." Mikey was rubbing the back of his neck as he said this, still refusing to meet my eyes.

If I was okay with today? Sure, there had been some nerve-wracking incidents but that had absolutely nothing to do with there company in general and more with my inability to be around Miley and not develop a crush immediately. "Yes, today was more than okay actually. You're pretty cool people, even without all that rockstar stuff."

Finally, Mikey laughed softly and I bumped my shoulder with his. "So you wouldn't be mad if I invited you for dinner some time next week?"

"A-as a date?" I stuttered, eyes wide as I turned to him.

Mikey was blushing and once again looking straight ahead at the book titles; I was sure he didn't read even one of them. "Only if you want it to be and I can completely understand if-"

"Maybe Thursday evening? I have to work until five, so around six or seven should be fine depending on how far away you are by then," I interrupted him. Now, it was my turn to play with the hem of my shirt nervously and watch my fingers to not see him reject me.

But Mikey didn't reject me. In fact, he sounded pretty ecstatic about my proposition. "I would go more for seven, as I live half an hour away from here. This way it shouldn't be too stressing as we have the studio until half past five and Gee likes to do overtime."

He lived only half an hour away? Fuck yes! And he had to be at least a little bit interested in me if he invited me on a date so what could go wrong?

Why do I never look up while walking? [Mikey Way X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now