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I was about to kill everyone in this stupid world excluding Lucy when my doorbell rang.

Grumpily, I clambered off of the sofa and placed Lucy gently down next to me. She didn't like it and started to meow loudly. But this fucking asshole on my porch just kept ringing. And I thought my coworkers had been bad.

Naturally, I wasn't wearing my friendliest face as I finally opened. To the most adorable thing I had ever encountered.

Mikey stood there smiling cutely with a bouquet of all kinds and colours of flowers in his hands. He extended them to me and I was close to tears all of a sudden.

"Hey, Darl- Y/N? What's wrong?" He asked concerned as he saw my face that I immediately tried to hide behind the gorgeous flowers.

I sniffled. "Nothing."

Oh God, they smelled awesome too! The most prominent ones were the three sunflowers but I could see roses and some tulips too. And the colours!

While I went back inside to put the beautiful bouquet into a vase, Mikey followed me hesitantly and got greeted by Lucy meowing loudly at him. My boyfriend went over to pet her but I could feel his eyes drilling holes into my back. "I can see that it's not nothing. You wanna talk about it or should I distract you?"

I could kiss him right now. So I did.

Clearly, Mikey didn't expect it but he caught up quickly and pulled me down on his lap so we wouldn't break our backs in the process. I sighed much more happily and cherished the feeling.

But Mikey pulled away and studied my face confused. "What was that for?"

"For being a good boyfriend," I said smiling and pecked his lips again, "a distraction please?"

"Sure. Get your coat." Mikey drummed his fingers against my back.

Reluctantly, I got off of him again and put on a pout. "But people!"

He laughed and took my hand to drag me to the door. I followed not entirely voluntarily but Mikey didn't seem to care. "Who said we would be around people? I know a little forest just a bit of driving away."

"I knew you just wanted to get me without witnesses to kill me," I joked but let him drag me to his car this time with less reluctance.

A walk in the forest with just him actually sounded like a good idea. A wonderful one to be honest. No car noises or the awful chatter of the gossip-junkies I called co-workers.

So we drove ten minutes with music playing and Mikey telling me about his newest song idea. I was happy to just listen and not focus on my problems for once. Mikey's presence always made me giddy and helped forget that there was evil in the world as long as he would hold me or kiss me. Almost a month together and I was so in love.

"We're there!" Mikey announced as he stopped the car.

I rolled my eyes at the obvious and inspected the scenery. Beautiful green trees everywhere and a little path that went from the parking lot inside the forest. "I can see that."

But he didn't let my sarcasm ruin his good mood and just got around the hood of the car to open the door for me. "Stop being so grumpy and enjoy."

"I am enjoying!" I protested and took the extended hand.

Mikey didn't deem my words worth a reply and locked the car. He took my hand again and linked our fingers together before he started walking.

The first part of the path we stayed silent, taking in the scent of the earth and trees, the creaking of the branches in the wind or when an animal stepped on a stick. Some birds were singing and even the sun decided on a guest appearance over the tree tops.

Once or twice, I almost fell over a root or a branch but Mikey caught me every time. Secretly, I was looking out for them by now so I could fall as strategically benefitting as possible. To my dismay, he caught on on that the third time he had me pressed up completely to him and started laughing. "We're cuddly today aren't we?"

"Yes, shut up," I murmured but let him let go of my hand to put the arm around my shoulder instead. Now I could lean into him while we were walking. Perfect.

Mikey seemed to think like that too because shortly after that, he pointed out a bench on the side. We sat down and I pulled up my legs underneath myself and completely leaned into his side.

He smelled good, I noticed absentmindedly. Like leather, aftershave and something else underlying that I couldn't detect. I breathed in deeply and hoped that he didn't notice. That would be a little weird.

Luckily, Mikey didn't or at least didn't say so. He kissed my head and stroked my shoulder with his thumb. "I really like this."

"Me too," I whispered softly into his shirt.

Another silence settled as we watched the forest around us and took in everything once again.

"Thank you for the flowers, they are beautiful," I finally said and turned my head to look up at him.

Mikey smiled down at me warmly and pecked my cheek. "It's nothing. Your smile was worth it."

I blushed deeply and cleared my throat, hoping that it would cover it up. Judging by Mikey's laugh it didn't. "Uhm, I think we should start going again."

"Right," he agreed, still chuckling and my face still burning.

Quickly, I jumped up and started walking, maybe a little too fast. But I wanted to get away from this moment. I didn't even know why I blushed so hard.

Mikey had to run a little bit to catch up with me. He put his arm back around me and squeezed my side. "Don't pout Darling, that was adorable."

He knew how soft this name made me and shamelessly used it to make me forget what I was thinking about. And it worked.

"Stop being so cute," I whined.

The rest of the way was full of jokes and banter. Towards the end, we saw a doe standing a few feet away from us, munching at the leaves of a lower branch and we stood completely frozen to watch it. Unfortunately, it must have smelled us or something and ran off.

From the point where could see the parking lot, we raced each other to the car. I was winning but then Mikey just grabbed me around the waist and stopped me. I shrieked and slapped him playfully but the damage was done. I lost.

For the first five minutes of the way home, I tried to be mad at him. But then Mikey started to fake cry and it made me laugh so hard that I actually cried.

Back at home, I bribed him with take out food into staying. Though, I was convinced that Lucy's pathetic meows had something to do with it to.

"You saved my day, you know that?" I told Mikey as we sat side by side on the sofa, my head resting on his shoulder once again.

"I figured from the death glare back at the door."

He dodged my elbow as he leaned forward to get himself another spring roll. "And stop attacking me. I'm trying to eat in peace."

For that, Mikey got a knee into his thigh, dangerously close to other precious parts. As expected, he immediately curled up in self defense but went into attack faster than I thought he would be able.

Naturally, a play fight broke out and after plenty of tickling, thrown cushions and poking fingers, I was pinned underneath him on the sofa and out of breath. Mikey leaned down and hovered over my face, our noses touching. My heart beat was doubling and my eyes darted between his lips and furrowed eyebrows.

There were hands in my hair and under my head so I moved my own to his neck and pulled him down the last few inches.

Our lips met unexpectedly soft for the heavy atmosphere, just barely touching. I could feel Mikey smirking as I had to suppress a huff. After agonizingly long seconds of almost nothing, he finally kissed like I wanted him to and I reciprocated with the same force.

Why do I never look up while walking? [Mikey Way X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now