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A few weeks later, I went into our little café (we had proclaimed it ours as it was where we had talked for the first time and now was our go-to place) and looked for Mikey. It was my break and he had a day off from recording so he had texted me to let me know that we could meet up.

But I didn't see him so far. Instead, I saw a fire truck red head of hair peeking out over our usual table. A tiny bit intimidated I went over. Gerard and I hadn't really talked to each other since the first time I had met all of them. Of course, Mikey had told me tons about his brother and obviously he was really proud of him. Still, the confident man with the red hair and crossed arms intimidated me. Especially as I didn't know how much he knew about Mikey's and my relationship.

To buy myself more time, I first went to the counter to order myself a coffee and waited there for it to get ready. The lady behind the counter looked at me critically. "Is everything alright? Where is your normal partner? Should I throw red-head over there out?"

I smiled at the worry in her voice and wanted to hug her. "No, it's alright. And I think Mikey will come later, this is his brother. But thank you for your concern."

"Okay, but just wave for me if you need me," she said and handed me my coffee with a motherly smile.

Hesitantly, I walked over to the table with Gerard and saw him smiling brightly. I sighed internally. It couldn't be too bad when he was smiling, right?

"Hey, Y/N! Nice to see you again," Gerard said cheery and got up to hug me with more force than I expected.

Perplexed, I let him and returned the hug unsurely. "Uhm hi?"

Gerard just sat back down and motioned for me to do the same with the cup of coffee already back in hand. "You're probably wondering why you have the pleasure to sit here with the hotter Way-brother," he said winking but with a playful grin, telling me that he wasn't hitting on me. Well, I hoped that he wasn't. That would be awkward.

So I giggled, partly out of nervousness and nodded. "Yeah, I thought Mikey would sit there, to be honest."

"Oh, Mikey's around the corner in the record store, but he will come in a few, don't worry," Gerard explained and leaned closer to me, "I just wanted to meet the person properly who makes my little brother miss his solos even after I have told him to focus."

I blushed deeply at the words. It was an incredible feeling to be the person that made a professional musician mess up. As weird as it sounded. But this truly made me realise how much I meant for Mikey. "It's nice to meet you too?"

Gerard chuckled again and took a sip from his coffee. "Sooo. Tell me some embarrassing stuff that Mikey did so I can tease him."

"Oh no, she will not," Mikey said, walking up to us and shaking his head.

I jumped up, an apology already on my lips though I didn't really know what for. But Mikey just grinned and caught me around the waist to press a short kiss on my lips. "Hey Darling. Gerard's been bothering you?"

"Hey!" The singer exclaimed and crossed his arms. "I'm good company okay?"

"Sure you are."

I giggled at their banter and sat back down, Miley next to me with his hand on my thigh, palm up. I took the offer and tangled my fingers between his larger ones. "Nah, I just didn't expect him. Thought it would only be you."

"Sorry for that. Gee sat down in my car and refused to leave, he threatened to scream or something. I didn't think he would come here to harass you," Mikey apologised and looked genuinely guilty.

Gerard on the other hand pouted childishly and glared at his brother. "I'm not a monster. You wouldn't tell me anything about her so I had to find out myself, sorry that I want to know what's up in my brother's life."

"Woah woah," I raised my hands to catch their attention. They wouldn't fight about something dumb like this when I was sitting right here. "Stop. Both of you. Gerard, you can ask anything you want about me and Mikey stop being so hostile. Or didn't you want me to meet your brother?"

The last words came out less strongly than I wanted them and with more hurt in my voice than I expected. At least I got what I wanted. They were quiet.

Mikey's eyes grew wide at my words and he hurried to object. "No! No, I wanted you to meet Gerard, though he is annoying. It's just, uhm, it's only- and uh..."

The stutter didn't really help his case. Was he looking for excuses? Were we not as serious as I thought we were?

Gerard first studied my expression and then turned to his brother with raised eyebrows. "Mikes, spit it out. Your girl is freaking out and I don't want to have to punch my brother for breaking someone's heart in a fucking coffee shop."

The words startled both Mikey and me. While I was wondering why the fuck Gerard was on my side, Mikey seemed to collect himself. "God, no. I won't break your heart, Y/N. Dann, it's just you didn't want to tell your best friend so I thought you wanted it to be a secret or something."

Oh, this oblivious fucker. I groaned. "Firstly, you told your brother about me so that's really dumb reasoning-"

"It's Gerard, I can't hide anything from him and the rest of the band doesn't know!" Mikey protested defiantly.

"-and second, I just didn't want to tell Hannah who you are because -if you would use that cute little head of yours, you would remember that- she damn nearly fainted at your concert as she thought one of you had looked at her. I wanted to ease her a bit into it, you dumbass because I know that she'll freak out," I continued my explanation. Somewhere in between my words I had calmed down again and my initial irritation had turned into amusement.

Gerard just sat there and watched us argue with his face scrunched up like he tried his hardest to suppress a laugh. I couldn't blame him because the situation *was* kind of funny.

"Oh," Mikey said meekly and grinned sheepishly, "oops?"

I rolled my eyes but smiled. "Yeah."

"Does that mean that you'll finally play properly again? We have shows coming up, you know?" Gerard wanted to know, feigning annoyance.

Mikey ignored his brother and instead snagged my coffee from my fingers to take a sip. At my scowl, he bumped his shoulder with mine and gave me his sweetest smile. "You wanna see me kill my brother?"

"I don't think that this would be a good idea, with the band and all," I objected with a straight face.

Gerard took his coffee and sipped at it arrogantly. I didn't even know that this was possible. But if you had red hair like this, everything seemed to be possible. "That's not very nice Y/N."

"Tough luck, buddy."

"I knew there was a reason why you're my girlfriend," Mikey said, thoroughly amused by our little exchange.

And because the universe hated me, I heard a very familiar gasp from behind me.

Why do I never look up while walking? [Mikey Way X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now