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Many things could go wrong, I learned. First, my boss made me stay an hour longer even though I had worked through my break to get home thirty minutes early. Then, Hannah called me in hysterics and made me go over to her, not telling me what the actual problem was.

By now, I was stressed as fuck and I hadn't even had the time to stress about my clothes yet. But because I was a good friend, I went over to Hannah, by foot I might add as my car was broken at the moment.

As she told me what the problem was, I seriously considered to just turn around and leave again. Or punch her. I didn't though because I was a nice person.

Finally, we were finished and stood at the foot of the huge bed. God, it looked so soft and all I wanted was to throw myself into it and never wake up again.

"Y/N, you are the best! Thank you so much for helping me build together the bed, I couldn't have done it alone," Hannah thanked me happily and went for a hug.

I pulled a face as I wiped my sweaty forehead and let her smother me. Then, I caught a glance of the clock on the wall and jumped. It was already quarter to seven and here I was, sweaty in borrowed leggings and an old sweatshirt as I didn't want to ruin my normal clothes.

At least Mikey had told me that he might be a little late due to his brother's hang to be a perfectionist. Mikey had insisted on being a gentleman and promised to pick me up. That was a fucking sweet gesture and I would be blushing madly at just the thought of it if I wouldn't be worrying about the lack of time. There was no way that I would be able to go home, shower and get dressed again in fifteen minutes.

So I groaned loudly and pushed a perplexed Hannah away. "You know that I hate you sometimes? I have a date in fifteen minutes and he was supposed to pick me up!"

"Oh shit," her eyes grew wide as she stared at me shocked for a second but then went into planning mode, "okay, call him so he can pick you up here. Then, you go shower here as fast as possible and I lend you some clothes."

Okay, I took it back, I loved her. "Thanks!"

Hannah rolled her eyes but grinned fondly. "Love you too!"

I was already halfway undressed as I typed out the message to Mikey, hoping that he would get it in time.

To Mikey;): hey, I'm so sorry but there is a little change of plan, Hannah made me help build together her bed and I'm still at hers about to shower so can you maybe pick me up here instead?

I got a reply almost immediately.

From Mikey;): sure thing, just gimme the address and take your time, I should be about ten minutes late anyway

Relieved, I sent back the address and jumped under the shower.

Never in my life, I had cleaned myself up in such a hurry. At least, Hannah's body wash smelled good so I used it generously. Ten minutes later, I ran into Hannah's room, hair dripping wet and only in a towel.

Grinning, she pointed at the clothes she had layed out on the bed that was the root of all my problems. "I wasn't sure what you needed so I just went with black jeans and a fancy top plus the denim jacket you always want to steal."

"You're the best," I kissed her cheek as I grabbed the things and went back into the bathroom to blow dry my hair.

"When did you say he was supposed to be here?" Hannah shouted through the closed door as I attempted to style my hair.

"Like ten minutes why?"

"A car just pulled up down the road and a blond man is coming out of it."

Why do I never look up while walking? [Mikey Way X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now