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All our heads shot around. Hannah stood in the middle of the café and looked like she might faint. The man on the table closest to her held out is hands helpfully.

Her eyes were trained on us. Obviously, there was no way that we weren't the reason for her little dizzy spell. If she had been pale earlier, Hannah now looked like she just came back from the dead and would ask for a glass of blood any minute.

While Mikey and Gerard exchanged a concerned look, I rolled my eyes and jumped up. Without a word, I grabbed my best friend's arm and dragged her outside. "Be back in a second, don't drink my coffee, Mikey!"

"You- Mikey- you two-" Hannah stuttered, her head still turned around to make sure that Gerard and Mikey wouldn't vanish.

I couldn't help but laugh at my best friend who looked like she had just seen a ghost. That laugh apparently shook her out of her stupify. She regained colour in her cheeks, shook her arm free from mine to cross them in front of her chest and glared pointedly at me. "So your boyfriend Mikey is Mikey Way?"

"Yup" I smiled cheekily and nodded overenthusiastically. I knew that she wasn't actually mad but it was always fun to try to put her on edge. Most of the time it worked and it was entertaining to watch.

Hannah huffed but couldn't suppress the smile any longer. "That's why you didn't want me to meet him! Hope he's treating you right though."

"You know that he treats me right, you moron, because I tell you everything." I let her pull me into an excited hug.

Pulling away, both of our cheeks were red again. Hannah shoved me jokingly. "And you didn't plan to introduce me to him then, huh?"

"I wanted to tell you, just not in the café," I told her truthfully but by now she had already hooked her arm through mine and dragged me back inside, "more with a fluffy sofa around for when you actually faint."

"Then you have to make it up to me now. Because I didn't get my fainting sofa," she decided jokingly and just took an empty chair from the table nearby to drag it next to a grinning Gerard.

Mikey shot me a questioning look so I bent down and kissed his cheek. Hopefully that told him that everything was okay.

Or Hannah did that for me. "So you're the man that gets to treat my best friend like a queen."

"Uhm-" Mikey stuttered, apparently he didn't expect her to talk so soon (Hannah would be able to talk about everything that came to her mind even if she was held at gunpoint and she thought that it would help her out of there), "-I mean I don't know if I do it right but I hope so."

"Cool. Break her heart and I'll break your bones," she said nonchalantly and then took my cup of coffee from my hands.

I huffed annoyed. First Mikey and now her. "Can't you just order your own coffee like normal people?"

"And Gerard, where the fuck do you take that energy from? Are you actually Satan?" Hannah ignored me and turned to the singer. I could tell that she was trying her hardest not to freak out over being so close to her idol and I had new respect for her that she stayed so calm. Though I wanted to see her freak out a little bit more. It would only be fair after all the embarrassing shit she had seen me do.

Gerard snorted. "You threaten to hurt my brother and then call me Satan? Y/N, you said she was a fan!"

"She is. And she's trying not to faint. Doing a good job if you ask me," I said and winked at my best friend who actually blushed. Ha!

Mikey had to hide his face in my neck as he had to suppress his laughter while Gerard didn't even tried to. He laughed freely and then everyone was laughing with him. Even Hannah.

Why do I never look up while walking? [Mikey Way X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now