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The next day, I had stared at my phone for almost an hour after breakfast. But there was still no message so I decided to do something productive.

Of course, a text came the moment I sat down to get some laundry done. And I had thought that Mikey had forgotten me. Happily, I abandoned the pile of dirty clothes that were spread out on my bed and grabbed my phone instead.

From Mikey;): hey, jusr wanted to ler yu know tht were aluve

I giggled at the very correct grammar here. God, he must be still half asleep. And decided to text me despite being so tired. Was my heart beating a little faster? Maybe...

To Mikey;): you sure? I think you need a bit more sleep

From Mikey;): no, only coffe

To Mikey;): if you say so

From Mikey;): ys, I fo. In 15 at coffeeshoo?

So I got up, laundry basket forgotten, and put on some proper clothes (as proper as a jeans and a flannel could get). As soon as I was content with my appearance, I grabbed my jacket and purse to play tour guide for a famous band. That ought to be interesting.

At the coffeeshop, I was greeted by four zombies. They truly looked like they just had fallen out of bed and had been dragged here. It was pretty hard to suppress a giggle at the sight but I managed.

"Hello guys!" I smiled too brightly at them to mask my nervousness, knowing full well that it would be borderline annoying to see me so cheery. At least this early in the morning when they looked like they barely slept. Their bed heads were adorable and it was really hard not to just walk up to Mikey and ruffle his hair.

Three of the heads turned to Mikey with a little delay as they processed my words. Mikey in turn forced a nod into my direction, confirming that I was the right person. "Hey, Y/N."

"I think you need coffee first," I stated the obvious and went inside the shop.

The band followed me and let me order five large coffees. Then, we went over to a booth where the men slumbed down in various stages of awakeness. Frank and Gerard leaned into each other, Ray just let his head fall onto the table and Mikey at least tried to hold it up but failed miserably. I could make out dark circles under his eyes and felt a little guilty, afraid that I was the reason for them. Their clothes looked like they had been the first they had seen lying around. And still, they looked good. I was jealous.

While I placed the drinks on the table, the first heads started to rise again, as the red head -I remembered it was the singer and his name was Gerard- snatched his coffee and gulped down almost the whole cup. To be fair, he looked much more attentive after that.

This happened three more times and soon, I had four actual people look at me as I nursed my cup with a huge grin.

"So you are the girl that spilled coffee over our Mikey?" The shortest asked as he tried to tame his hair.

And then, my laughter bubbled over. "Yup, that's me."

Now, they looked at me in confusion. I raised my eyebrows and took another sip, hiding the next giggle. "What?"

"Why are you so happy so early in the morning?" Gerard groaned and earned himself a shove from the other guitarist, Ray I thought it was.

That made me only laugh harder. But I collected myself to answer. "First, it's eleven and not early. And second you are such zombies before your first coffee, it's just hilarious."

Why do I never look up while walking? [Mikey Way X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now