🍧 🎀 𝟤:𝟥𝟤 𝒜𝑀 🎀 🍧

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     Zenitsu woke up in Inosuke's bed, looking around in the room. All the lights were off, but a bright glow came from Inosuke's two gaming monitors and the sound of the game SFX and his keyboard clicking and clacking. He sat up, rubbing his eyes and standing up, shivering as his feet touched the cold floor. He walked over to Inosuke who had a can of monster. Zenitsu's presence was made known as Inosuke finished up the game round and looked behind him.

     "Hey, you fell asleep, so I just tossed you in bed," Inosuke said as he sipped from the can. Zenitsu rolled his eyes as he looked at the clock, it read 2:32 in the morning. Zenitsu looked back at Inosuke, a bit concerned for his "friend".

     "Isn't it a bit late to be playing video games?" Inosuke waved his hand.

     "Nah, I've been up later, I'm good," Inosuke said as he turned back around to his screen. Zenitsu, rather annoyed, got up from the bed and walked over to the boy. He took the can from the other and held it in his hand, hesitating before chugging the rest of it. Inosuke looked up, a bit surprised.

     "I never took you for the type to like energy drinks Monitsu," Inosuke said as he looked back at his screen, still a bit taken back by his friend's new behavior.

     "I never did, and never will, bleugh." Zenitsu blurted out as he sat down next to Inosuke. "I did it because A. you don't need all of it and B. I'm gonna stay up with you until you fall asleep or get tired. I don't want you staying up till fuckin 6 AM and falling asleep at your desk. You'll get a sore neck."

     "I'm already used to it so just go sleep on my bed," Inosuke said as he continued playing, not even looking up from the screen.

     "Then you go to sleep too, I'll go sleep on the couch downstairs," Zenitsu replied, Inosuke growing a bit annoyed from his persistence despite him being fairly mellow for once.

     "I can't even sleep in the first place dumbass, just go to bed," Inosuke said as he paused his game, got up, and picked up the other, putting him over his shoulder. He walked over to his bed and threw the other into the pile of blankets and clothes. As Zenitsu fell, he grabbed onto the other's shirt and pulled him into the bed with him. Inosuke tumbled down with the other and was held down by him.

     "No, no more, you're sleeping!" Zenitsu said with a hushed tone as he wrapped his arms and legs around the other's torso. Inosuke tried to pry his arms and legs from his chassis, but after 10 long minutes of struggle, Inosuke gave up.

     "Fine, I'll go to sleep but let go of me dumbass!" Inosuke tried pushing him off, but really, he didn't want Zenitsu to let go. On the other hand, he was too prideful to let himself be embraced by the other. Zenitsu didn't want to let go so he quickly thought of an excuse to hang on to the other.

     "W-Well how do I know that you aren't going to get up again and start playing on your computer?!" Zenitsu swiftly stuttered out as he gripped himself onto Inosuke even tighter. Inosuke wanted his wrap his arms around Zenitsu like he saw the guys did on tv and in the animes and he wanted to kiss Zenitsu. He didn't think about it a lot, but Zenitsu has beautiful lips, they look soft and plump, perfect to kiss. Inosuke couldn't bring himself to, however, he didn't want to make his move and then lose him. Zenitsu made a soft spot in him that only he could have access to, but Zenitsu was quite frankly, oblivious to that.

     "Whatever, just don't drool on me," Inosuke said as he settled down, moving into a comfortable position so that the other was still hanging on but restfully. As sleep started settling in, Zenitsu's grip slowly got looser and looser, before falling limp. Inosuke looked down at the sleeping boy, his beauty only grasping Inosuke ever more tightly. Inosuke observed everything about his figure and being, his yellow and orange hair falling against his dollish face. His soft breathing made contact with Inosuke's sensitive skin, making him shiver a bit. He looked down at his frame, they were the same height but Zenitsu always seemed small and helpless to Inosuke. Not in a bad way, but the way that he wanted to protect him as if he was the only thing he ever had and ever will have again.

     Snapping out of his thought, he took a moment before placing a small and gentle kiss on Zenitsu's head, slowly wrapping his arms around the other's back, pulling him in closer. Inosuke rested his head on Zenitsu's drooping shoulder and slowly nodded off to sleep.

[Hello everyone!!! I just want to thank all my readers from both books, for offering support and help as I recover my mental health :) I hope you all know that I value each and every one of you, and if you ever need someone to talk to, I'll be right here :) NOW GOOD MORNING/DAY/NIGHT MY LOVELY H0ES ✍(◔◡◔) TAKE CARE OF YOURSELVES AND TOUCH SOME GRASS]

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