⋆ 🍑 🎀 𝟣 𝓂❀𝓃𝓉𝒽 𝓁𝒶𝓉𝑒𝓇, 𝟣𝟣:𝟥𝟦 𝒜𝑀 🎀 🍑 ⋆

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[⚠TW⚠ mentions of dr!nk!ng and vap!ng will be mentioned in this chapter]

ℕ𝕠𝕓𝕠𝕕𝕪'𝕤 𝕡𝕠𝕚𝕟𝕥 𝕠𝕗 𝕧𝕚𝕖𝕨 (nobody's point of view)

      Inosuke took another swig from the beer bottle sitting at his desk, his hair a ruffled mess. It's been almost a month since he last talked to Zenitsu, he was too afraid to approach the boy, no matter how much he missed him. Hell, he missed everything, his smile, his whines, his cries, and his laugh. That sweet, light, laugh he had when he made Inosuke tempura, that laugh he got when he saw other boys. Other boys, other boys, other boys, it kept ringing in his mind, other boys.

     He always looked at other boys. A lot of times when he stared, he had this shine in his eyes. It was like he was admiring them, silently praising their seemingly perfect bodies and faces. Why? Why wouldn't he look at Inosuke that way? Why wouldn't he look at him with that shimmer in his eyes? With such endearment and such praise? Is it because he looked like a girl, rather than an actual boy? Inosuke's head and heart hurt ever since that day, he couldn't stop thinking about the confrontation. Zenitsu had called him a filthy liar, and he had punched him in the face, but he was just angry. Angry, hurt, sad, all of these emotions attacked him harder than ever.

     All this thinking made him crave it, he reached down and took the vape from his pocket. However, he stared at it, pausing before he had put it to his lips. Great anger rose in the boy, realizing that it was this very thing that made him and Zenitsu like this in the first place. He swallowed hard and threw open the window.

      "damn you, you piece of fucking shit plastic," Inosuke mumbled as he threw it as far away as he could. He closed his eyes, breathing in deeply. It felt..relieving, it felt like he was finally free from something. He sighed in relief as he opened his eyes, tears falling down his porcelain face. Inosuke turned around and looked at his rather messy room, dirty clothes scattered along with cans of monster and bottles of beer. It may be hard to believe, but just 5 minutes later, Inosuke was cleaning his floor and baring his bed and pillows of his sheets. He took the basket of dirty sheets and clothes down to the basement, guessing on the soap and putting the sheets with the clothes.

     'Is this what you do..? I don't care, as long as they're clean,' He thought to himself as he shut the washer door and turned it on, walking back to his room. He grabbed a trash bag as he passed the kitchen, walking back up to his room and picking up all the bottles, along with the cans. After picking everything up, he closed the bag and put it by the front door, grabbing a monster on the way back up. He opened the can and took a long sip, feeling the caffeine run through his veins. He placed the can back down and hyped himself up a bit before grabbing everything off his messy, cluttered desk. He crumpled up the attempted apology letters and threw them in a trash bag, putting the pens and pencils in the cup on his desk. He looked at his keyboard and realized that it had been a good 3 weeks since he gave his keyboard a good clean. He unplugged the device and took off all the keycaps, making keyboard soup, this being his favorite part about cleaning his pc. Letting them sit for a bit,  Inosuke got to cleaning the inside of the pc. 

      After a good 20 minutes, his pc looked almost brand new. He smiled a bit as he closed the case door, turning to the rest of his room. He still had a lot of work to do but before he could move on to the next thing, the doorbell had rung. This confused Inosuke, as he wasn't expecting any visitors that day, cleaning his room would have to wait. He walked down the stairs, his heart racing as he grew closer to the door, dreading who it could be. He inhaled deeply, exhaling shortly after as he placed his hand on the knob, turning it and opening the door. His heart stopped as he met golden brown eyes, very tired, sad golden brown eyes. The boy standing in front of Inosuke had drooping shoulders, ruffled, messy hair, and dark circles under those sad, tired eyes. The boy was none other than Zenitsu Agatsuma, the one he had punched the previous month.

     Before Inosuke could even open his mouth, big tears spilled from Zenitsu's eyes and he quickly and tightly hugged Inosuke.

     "P-Please forgive me Inosuke, I'm sorry.." Zenitsu mumbled into Inosuke's chest, his arms and hands shaking. Inosuke would've grabbed him and thrown him across the room by now. This time, he placed his hand on his back and started rubbing Zenitsu's back. He doesn't know why, but he subtly remembers someone doing this to him to calm him down. It seemed to be working on Zenitsu, whose cries and sniffles slowly stopped.

     "It's fine Monitsu, it's ok," Inosuke said slowly as he smiled a bit, just happy to have the other back. Zenitsu looked up, smiling a bit.

      "You know what, this time I don't even mind how you pronounced my name," Inosuke then looked at his face for a bit longer, noticing how tired he looked.

     "Monitsu, you look so tired, you need sleep, you idiot!!" Inosuke yelled as he turned back to his good old self. Zenitsu sighed and tried reassuring the other that he was fine, but couldn't even do so without yawning. Inosuke pouted as he lifted the other, putting him on his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Zenitsu protested much but soon gave up as Inosuke ascended up the stairs to the guest room. Entering the said guest room, he tossed the other on the bed.

     "Rest, ya stupid fuck," Inosuke said as he was about to leave. "I gotta clean my room anyways, it's gonna take a while,"

     "Did you separate the sheets and the clothes?" Zenitsu asked, knowing the answer.


     "How much fucking soap did you use?"


     Zenitsu never jumped out of a bed so fast.

[Since I gave you guys a lot of angst, here's an apology chapter ToT

Update, 9/15/21: this chapter has been edited.]

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