🍫 ⋆ 🍇 🎀 𝟣𝟣:𝟦𝟪 𝒜𝑀 🎀 🍇 ⋆ 🍫

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𝙽𝚘𝚋𝚘𝚍𝚢'𝚜 𝙿𝙾𝚅

     Zenitsu slowly woke up, feeling the light sun on his face through the open window. He slowly opened his eyes and looked down at Inosuke, snuggling his face into the other's chest, attached to him like a sloth onto a branch. Zenitsu stared down at his face, sure it was feminine compared to his strong build but it was absolutely beautiful. He had sublime green eyes that captured anyone who looked into them. He looked rather peaceful asleep compared to his gremlin-like behavior when he's awake. He was sometimes in pure admiration whenever he looked at Inosuke. How could one of the biggest assholes in the whole school be so attractive? Sure, after a while of getting to know him, he wasn't as bad. Despite that, he would still call Zenitsu and Tanjiro names. Zenitsu was, somewhat used to it.

     Zenitsu snapped out of his thoughts as he felt Inosuke snuggle even closer, mumbling. Zenitsu turned a bit red as he realized he still had his arms wrapped around him. He slowly let him go as he got up and tip-toed out the room and downstairs. The maids who came in the morning were around and about, doing the trash, cleaning tables, doing laundry. Zenitsu looked at one of many housekeepers. Her name was Aoi and she was one of the maids that Inosuke's parents had hired before they died. Zenitsu saw her quite a bit and even shared a word or two sometimes. He caught with her just as she was gonna descend the stairs to the washing machines in the basement.

     "Hey Aoi," Zenitsu called out as he stopped next to her. Aoi looked surprised as the blonde male came by.

     "Oh, hi Zenitsu, what are you doing here this early?" Aoi asked as they walked down the stairs together.

     "I spent the night here, I fell asleep and it was around 2 AM or so when I woke up, so might as well just stay here," Zenitsu said as he looked at her. He gestured to take some of the dirty clothes, which Aoi reluctantly handed over.

      "You know, I think that Inosuke likes you," She blurted out as they reached the bottom. Zenitsu tripped on every and any atom after that on their way to the washing machines.

     "W-What do you mean you think he likes me?! He's as straight as a pole- well I think at least, but even if he was gay, he wouldn't like me!!" Zenitsu yakked as he tossed the dirty clothes into the washer. Aoi rolled up a newspaper and bopped it on his head.

     "Unless you'd like him to hear you, shut up," She chirped as dumped her portion of dirty clothes into the washer. She put in the detergent and closed the lid, starting the machine in its cycle. Zenitsu sat on the machine, looking down at his feet.

     "...Do you think that Inosuke really likes me?" He asked Aoi with a reddish face. Aoi sighed and grabbed the rolled-up newspaper and wacked him in the head.

     "STOP WACKING MY HEAD WITH THAT STUPID ROLLED-UP NEWSPAPER," Zenitsu shouted as he covered his head with his hands.

     "Hmph, now you feel what I feel when you ask if he likes you or not, NOW SHUT UP," She sounded out as she hit him again, this time he just quietly grumbled. Zenitsu thought about the many ways that the confession could go if he even found the balls to. Sighing, he got up and walked up the stairs after bidding goodbye to Aoi. He went to the kitchen and opened the fridge, looking inside, he grabbed some eggs and ham. He took the ingredients to the counter and then grabbed some bread on the side.

     He grabbed a pan and placed it on the stove, turning up the heat. He grabbed a wrapped butter slab and slid it into the pan, watching it melt as he spread it around. He started cracking eggs into a bowl, putting in sliced bits of ham, sprinkling in pepper and salt. Then he put two slices of bread into the toaster, After that, he poured the mixture into the pan, as he started making the scrambled eggs. After cooking the eggs, he placed them on a plate. He grabbed the two pieces of toast and coated the tops of them with butter as he plated them. He then looked in the fridge and grabbed some strawberries, washing them and placing them on the plate.

     Zenitsu smiled at himself as he looked over the plate he had prepared for Inosuke. He then walked upstairs and opened the door, fixing his gaze on the sleeping boy. He strolled in, approaching the bed, leaning on it with his knee. He reached out and shook Inosuke.

     "Inosuke, get up," Zenitsu whispered. Inosuke turned, grumbling. Zenitsu shook him again, to which he was greeted by Inosuke's low raspy morning voice.

     "What do you want Monitsu, it's too early," Zenitsu rolled his eyes as he stood up straight.

     "I made you breakfast dumbass, get up before it gets cold," He explained as he went to exit the room. Inosuke sat up and jumped off the bed, running to the door. He ran past Zenitsu and down the stairs, finding the plate on the counter. He smiled widely as he wolfed down the food, drinking from a water bottle that had been sitting on the counter since yesterday. Zenitsu came back down and slightly smiled at the other enjoying his food.

     "Do you like it?"

     "This is really good Monitsu! I should make you my chef!!" Inosuke said as he scarfed down the food. Zenitsu turned pink at the comment, trying to figure out if Inosuke had meant it or not. Inosuke sighed as he finished the plate, his stomach full.

     "Ahhh, that was good!! you make really good food Monitsu!!" Inosuke said as he got up and walked towards the other.

     "I-I- well, no I-" Zenitsu was cut off as Inosuke placed his index finger onto his lips, smiling almost devilishly.

     "You should be honored to receive praise from the lord Inosuke, why are you getting so shy and stuttery Monitsu~?" Inosuke said as he leaned in, whispering in the other's ear the last part. Zenitsu turned even redder, biting his lip and feeling his breath be cut short from the little space left between them. However, just as soon as it started, it stopped. Inosuke pulled away and stuck his tongue out at Zenitsu before walking upstairs. Zenitsu started shouting.

     "YOU IDIOT, WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT TO ME? THAT'S EMBARRASSING YOU DINGUS," Zenitsu shouted, sitting on the floor, near tears in his eyes. How could he be so stupid? Thinking that Inosuke would actually like him. No way, he would never.

     Inosuke couldn't help but feel a bit of a pang in his heart as he listened to Zenitsu shout those words. He may not know how to speak very well, but he could tell by how he sounded that he was almost sad. He looked at himself in the mirror and sighed, sitting on the floor and closed his eyes, a single tear slipping from his face.

"Why can't I tell you that I like you dumbass.."

[Hello everyone!!! I have no news or announcements or anything for this chapter :] just my usual message of GOOD MORNING/DAY/NIGHT MY LOVELY H0ES, TAKE CARE OF YOURSELVES AND TOUCH SOME GRASS]

𝐈 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐝𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐬 (ZenitsuxInosuke)Where stories live. Discover now