ıllıllı 🎀 𝟨:𝟧𝟧 𝒜𝑀 🎀 ıllıllı

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no one's POV

  'Jesus Christ that was one hell of a weird dream,' Inosuke thought as he sat up in bed, stretching. He had one of those weird vaporwave dreams, and it was like he was high. Inosuke looked at the clock, it read 6:55 AM, too early for anything. He got up from his bed and walked over to his bathroom which was connected to his room. He undressed and ran the hot water for a bit before stepping into the shower, for a bit of time he sat in the shower, knees against his chest and arms hugging his knees. He sat like that for a minute before getting up and washing his hair/body lazily and rinsing off. He stepped out of the shower and dried himself off and blow-dried his hair before combing through it quickly and brushing his teeth.

  He grabbed some clothes that had been left folded on his dresser and he changed into them. Just then, he heard a knock on the door and he groaned. 'Who the hell would even be here this early?' He wondered as he dragged his feet towards the door. Inosuke opened the door and was greeted by Zenitsu, who quickly crimsoned at the sight of Inosuke without a shirt. Inosuke had a rather strong build for his age, and yet he had such a beautiful face. Zenitsu yelped out as he stepped back, holding onto the straps of his bag.

  "Monitsu, what're you doing here? Why is your face red, are you sick?" Inosuke asked, oblivious to the fact he was shirtless. Zenitsu had seen him many times without a shirt, but that was from afar, this was several inches from each other. Inosuke reached out his hand and pressed it against his forehead, he had seen nurses do it at school to people, it was to see if they were sick. Zenitsu flinched when Inosuke placed the back of his palm on his forehead.

  "You're hot, that means you're sick," Inosuke said as he retrieved his hand and rested his palm on Zenitsu's cheek, feeling as if it was still as hot. Zenitsu hit his limit and yelped out.

  "I-I'M NOT SICK, I'M EMBARRASSED YOU, IDIOT, NOW PUT ON SOME DAMN CLOTHES." Zenitsu wove his hands around. Inosuke rolled his eyes and walked back into his room.

  "Fine fine, just shut up, you're too loud," Inosuke said as he flipped his shirt on and connected the two body straps from his pants to his shoulders. He grabbed his bag and exited the room, closing the door behind him. The two of them walked downstairs and exited the house, walking to the school. Inosuke was complaining about the teachers or as he calls them "Old hags". Zenitsu argued back and told him to shut up, mainly because he was shouting at 7:15 in the morning, but he did agree that the teachers were annoying. After 10 minutes of arguing, the two fell into silence as they walked side by side to the school. Inosuke looked at Zenitsu's vacant hand, slightly restraining himself from grabbing a hold of his. Zenitsu looked at Inosuke.

  "What?" Inosuke looked up at Zenitsu.

  "Can I do it?" Thoughts had entered Zenitsu's mind as he squinted his eyes and furrowed his brows.

  "Do what?" Inosuke pointed at his hand. Zenitsu was internally freaking out but just shrugged.

  "S-Sure," Zenitsu approved as he looked to the side. Inosuke softly grasped onto Zenitsu's hand, like how he did last night. He smiled slightly and shoved his other hand into his pocket as he walked with the other. Zenitsu was blushing, but he didn't hate it, in fact, he liked it. Inosuke's hand was surprisingly soft. Inosuke whistled a tune he once heard, he forgot where it was from, but he was bored so he just did what he could. He looked down at Zenitsu's hand holding his, 'he's not shaking anymore, so I guess that means he likes it.' Inosuke stopped walking suddenly, so Zenitsu did too. He was confused and wanted to question but he didn't, he just stood there. Inosuke sighed before speaking.

  "I swear, tell anyone about this and I'll pour cement in your ears." Zenitsu was confused but he didn't want his most useful ability to be disabled so he silently nodded. Inosuke raised their entangled hands close to his face and he softly planted a kiss on Zenitsu's hand. Zenitsu crimsoned and yelped.

  "W-What was that for?!"

  "Ok, 1. shut up, and 2. I wanted to." Inosuke responded as he looked away, crimsoned. He thought he would've been able to do it stone-faced but he felt himself become hot. Zenitsu also looked at his side, not knowing what to say. He didn't expect it but it's not like he hated that either. He liked it, it felt nice but it was so awkward now. Zenitsu then sighed and looked at Inosuke before shifting his hand and raising Inosuke's hand and kissing it ever so gently.

  "WHAT WAS-" Inosuke shouted as he jumped back.

  "You idiot, don't be so loud- and tell NO one," Zenitsu said as he knocked Inosuke in the head. Inosuke tackled Zenitsu, but then they both started laughing. For some reason, they found it funny. When they arrived at school, the two of them separated and went to their own classrooms. Just as Zenitsu watched Inosuke turn the corner, he felt himself feel a bit empty, even if he just left, it felt lonely almost immediately. He sighed and squeezed the fabric of his shirt over his heart. 'Did he mean something when he did that? Or was it just because, why did he do it? I did it because I thought that he would get the hint but I guess he didn't.' Zenitsu quizzed as he wandered off to class.

  On the other end, Inosuke was wondering the same thing. 'Did Monitsu get it? What is that idiot thinking now? Why'd I call him an idiot? Well, he's adorable but whatever, I guess I just have to keep my fingers crossed.' Inosuke thought as he slammed the door open.

  "Mr. Hashibira, you're late again." The teacher said as he checked the paper on his clipboard.

  "I don't give a crap, it's better than being in this miserable place." He said as he sat at his desk, his legs kicked up on the chair.

𝐈 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐝𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐬 (ZenitsuxInosuke)Where stories live. Discover now