Dead Body Reported! -Scardubs Angst

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This is kinda cringe and really ooc, I apologise.

This is an Among Us AU, also there are 3 Impostors because there were 24 to begin with, so 2 wouldn't be enough. (Also, it's ironic that the first one is angst, considering that I said this book would contain mostly of fluff, lol)

TW: Blood, crying, murder, other sort of violence, betrayal, suicide, mentions of suicide, death, no happy ending

//Bdubs POV//

I walked around cautiously, with nothing to do, the events that had occurred before had shaken us all up. We started off with 24 people on the ship and it had stayed like that for a solid couple of days, enough for all of us to get to know each other. Some of us already knew each other, like Mumbo and Grian, for example. They are complete opposites, Mumbo is very tall and slightly more responsible than most of us, unlike Grian, who is very short and extremely chaotic. It felt good to be friends with everyone, not caring about anything else but our mission and ourselves. But now... now, it's down to just 10, three killers on the loose. The 10 of us left are: Grian, Keralis, Ren, Scar, Impulse, Tango, Iskall, Stress, Etho and I. Each of us, terrified who the killers might be.

I paused when I saw it, not able to move an inch. Scar. GONE. An overwhelming sadness felt like it slapped me in the face. Tears started rolling down my cheeks, and my heart felt like it shattered into a million pieces. I had known Scar for a very long time, and I developed a (not very) small crush on him. It seemed as though time slowed down in that tragic moment. I soon snapped back into reality, and I shouted into my megaphone "Dead body reported!"

When we all got teleported to the meeting table, everyone saw the state I was in and all of them gave me sympathetic looks. I'm usually good at thinking, even in these type of situations, but this time my brain was to frazzled to think, except for the questions that raced in my mind as soon as I found the body. Ren looked at Tango and thought for a moment, then he said "I think Tango is pretty sus, I mean, the entire round he has been pointing out false accusations and not giving any proper evidence behind them". Tango lashed back at him, cursing at him and even almost slapped him, but luckily Impulse and Iskall were there to hold him back. The things Tango was doing really didn't help the situation right now, and made him look even more sus. We all cast our votes, most of them were on Tango. Whenever the impostor is caught, the lights on their suit will flash green, and when they are a crewmate, they will flash red.

The look of betrayal on Impulse's face when the lights flashed green made me feel even more terrible. He was one of the few people who didn't vote for Tango because he had probably some evidence that Tango was a crewmate, be he was wrong. I went over to give him a hug, it looks like he needs it right now. He didn't hesitate to hug back. I honestly thought he would push me away, but I'm glad he didn't, it seems like we both need a hug right now.

After the hug, I started to look around, terrified of what might be lurking just around the corner. I am a mess right now, vision blurry, body shaken, mind racing, it felt like I was going to pass out! The smell of the blood and the bodies I have encountered over the past 2 days have stuck to me, and I don't think it will go away again. The atmosphere around us was dark and dim, being there is only 8 of us left. I want get away from here. I want to go home. I want to see my family again. I want to see Scar again, but knowing I will probably die here... Makes it nearly impossible for me to keep up hope. Even if I do survive, the trauma will effect me mentally and physically so much, that I will probably end up killing myself anyway.

I walk into coms and is surprised to see what I just saw. Ren almost dead! His suit is torn, his helmet is broken he has cuts and bruises everywhere! I only described half of what happened to him! It was so bloody and gory, that I almost threw up at the mere sight of it! My body was filled to the brim with panic, blurting all sorts of questions out. "Grian.... Killer.... Go.... Run!" is all he could mutter out 'till his inevitable death hit him. I took in what he said for a moment, than ran like my life depended on it (which it probably did), not even thinking of reporting the body.

I ran into electrical and hid where I thought was the best spot, to shaken to do anything else. Then I saw Keralis, my brother walk into the room, presumably to do his task when suddenly, Grian came out of one of the vents! Keralis is as shocked as I am to do anything but stare at his menacing expression. Then, he pulled a knife out of his pocket, and stabbed my brother!

In that moment, my panic and grief turned into rage and pure hatred. This was the last straw. Say, there was a glass cup in your mind, and if it were to get too full, it would shatter, representing you snapping. "Grian..." I started, ready to beat him up so much, that he would be crying in pain and misery. His face was a mixture of shakiness, and the face you have when you get caught for doing something wrong. He knew he'd got caught in the act. He knew that everyone would believe me if I said he was the impostor, because I had the evidence. He knew that he still had a cooldown, yet I still think this may not work out my way.

His frown turned into a smile and his shakiness faded away. I quickly turned around to run away, but to my surprise, instead of the exit, I saw Etho, a gun in hand, and before I could run past him, he grabbed my shirt, put the gun to my head and said "This is what you wanted, right? To see stuff blowing up, right? Because when we're done here, that's exactly what we'll do". I was terrified, that if I said the wrong thing, he will shoot me. "B-but you two will die as well I-if you do that, r-r-right?" I shakily ask, immediately regretting that decision. "Well, no. You see, Grian is a Watcher, so he can simply get his magic back and teleport us out, but in order to do that, our one task of killing everyone has to be fulfilled". I was in shock, how could they do this!? Just for some lame magic!? I was about to yell at them for their stupid decisions, not even thinking about the consequences, but then I was cut off with a bang!

A few of what seemed to be hours passed by before I woke up, with an unbearable pain in my head. I'm dead. Dead! But, I saw a word pop up in front of me. It read "DO IT AGAIN?". There was one question that went through my mind. 'Do what again?' There was only one option there to choose. 'yes'. Now, for a while I didn't press yes, for fear that something terrible will happen, but after a while of sitting in pure darkness, I was starting to go a little crazy and finally pressed 'yes'.

When I pressed the button, I ended up in the ship again, and I thought "this is my chance to change things!" And I was filled with hope again. But, no matter what I did different, the same thing happened, over, and over, and over, and over again! It has driven me to the point where, when someone dies, I don't care anymore. Not even Scar, not even my brother, I just felt nothing. But then, when it seemed like, on the 1000th run of this loophole, I finally did something that would change the loop. I grabbed the gun that Etho held to my head and... Bang! I shot him in the square in the face instead! Then out of the new strange feeling that I swear I felt before, I shot Grian as well. Then, I realized what had happened. I killed someone. I killed someone! I finished off what Grian, Etho and Tango started, and killed the last of the crewmates on the ship.

Now everyone's dead, but it's different this time, because I did it, but now, I'm alone, there is no one to keep the ship in check, that was Xisuma and Keralis' job, but now they're both gone and the oxygen's going to shut off forever, and when that eventually happened, something really interesting happened. Another option pop's up in front of me and it says "END SELF?" but this time, I could choose yes or no, and at this point, I don't think I can choose no, because I will just be stuck in darkness forever, so I decide to go with "YES". A new button comes up, saying "ARE YOU SURE? YOU WILL STOP EXISTING FOREVER". That was honestly all I wanted right now. To just stop existing. No pain, no suffering, so I chose 'YES'. Another button popped up, saying "ARE YOU CERTAIN? YOU WONT BE ABLE TO GO BACK IF YOU CHOOSE TO DO THIS". But, once again, I chose yes without a second thought.


Word Count: 1.6k

This is so bad, and I really hate it. I wrote this a while ago and i'm probably going to rewrite it. I apologise if you cringed a lot! :'')

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