Coming Out//Hex//Hurt/Comfort

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Heyo! I can't sleep so I'm writing this. I can't get this idea out of my head either, so I'm writing about it. Trans Hels my beloved.

This is inspired by @NinjaKitty1928 Enchanted And Hexed oneshot book. Specifically their chapter titled Dysphoria. 

Summery: Helsknight is experiencing gender dysphoria but worse, especially when you're like him and you have voices.

Hels sat alone in his room. The dark, fierce netherbrick walls surrounding him. He wished that this feeling could go away, but it felt as though it never would. He leaned against the shambles of what he calls a 'rug'. The dark knight stared blankly at the ceiling, waiting it out. He was experiencing gender dysphoria.

He flinched, hearing one of the many crimson doors slam shut. He never really liked the sound of it, reminding him of some... unfortunate events that he refuses to elaborate on. "Who the f*** keeps slamming those goddamn doors!?" He shouted. He didn't mean to say anything, it just slipped out. "It was me damba**, who else!?" He heard a familiar voice reply, snarky as always. Evil Xisuma, or Alex, he prefers to be called. "Your mum" Hels said, mentally face-planting. Ex always said those stupid jokes, maybe he's rubbing off on him. He heard footsteps inching closer and closer. Hels looked down, neck sore. All he wanted was some sleep.

And then he came in, the door slamming wide open, an angry Alex waltzed right in. "Have you ever heard of knocking?" Hels mumbled, clearly not in the mood. "What's gotten you mad, dipsh**?" Ex said, eyeing down the brunette down. Hels only rolled his eyes, not wanting to say anything anymore. "What's wrong?" Ex asked, more gentle than normal. Hels stared at him, not making even the slightest of noise. He couldn't tell him! He'd surely get judged and beaten down and mocked and anything else bad, that's what happened last time! "Hellssss, Nether to Helssss" The armoured clad said, dragging out his name. Hels just stuck out his tongue.

Alex shifted next to him, now more concerned. Usually Hels would be doing something. Like training, or hunting and the like. It's almost like he never takes breaks (Unless it's cold, but it cant get cold in the nether)- which is worrying itself- so seeing the knight willingly not doing anything was certainly strange. "Hels, I'm serious, what is the matter?" Alex said, voice soft and quiet. Hels felt weak. He felt sad, miserable even. He could never actually tell him, right? He's kept this a secret for so long, he can't spill it out now, can he? He felt as though he was on the verge of a break-down, heart pounding and thoughts racing. He kept in, though. It's not like his feelings matter. It's not like anyone cares. It's not anything matters, really. Alex snapped him out of what seemed like the endless trance his thoughts seemed to be. "Hels. Stop being so quiet, you can talk to me" Alex said, quite sternly. "It doesn't matter, just go on and hang out with Worm-Man or something" Hels snapped. "But I care about you, Hels".

He cares?

No, he couldn't

he wouldn't

would he?

don't be silly, Hels

he's lying

nobody care about you


not at all










Hels felt himself tearing up. The voices getting progressively louder and more aggressive. He tried to fight them, but he couldn't. Soon enough, he was fully breaking down. He tried to bash his head, to get them all to stop. It hurt 'slightly' sure, but he didn't care. How did something so simple turn into this? Nobody knows. Nobody ever does. "shut up" He murmured to the voices. And they did, only leaving a loud ringing in his ears. It hurt. It hurt so so incredibly much. He wants it to stop. For it to end. He cried louder and harder, as if calling for help. Help that felt so far away, but was closer than he thought.

Hels felt a warm, soft hand hold his own, stopping the banging. He sat there, everything a blur. He could barely hear the ringing anymore, only met with silence. Almost silence. He could still hear a voice, in his head or not, he was unsure of. It was different to the others, whispering softly. 

"You're ok" 

"Nothings coming to get you" 

"You're here with me" 

"I wont judge you" 

They were simple, yet comforting. It was like an angel, lighting the way through the darkness. He stopped crying eventually, and just laid in the arms of this so called 'angel'. He looked up, only to see Ex. He was surprised. Why is he doing this? The Alex he thinks he knows wouldn't do such a thing, would he? That didn't really matter right now. He felt safe. He hasn't felt safe in what seemed like forever. He let Ex rock him back and fourth slowly for awhile, clinging on to the feeling of comfort. After awhile, the silver-haired man broke the silence.

"What's gotten you so stressed? It's obviously a number of things, but what had you sitting in your room, all alone?" Alex asked, softly playing with his hair. Hels stayed silent for a moment, trying to find the courage. "You'll make fun of me". Hels grumbled, already embarrassed. "I won't, I promise". Alex said, encouragingly. Hels sighed, he had no choice, did he? "I'm having gender dysphoria. I've already transitioned , but the feeling's still there" Hels said slightly above whisper. He shut his eyes, ready for the teasing.

But it never came.

Instead Ex pulled pulled him in closer, to Hels' surprise. "Why'd you ever think I'd make fun of you? Did you have troubles in the past?" Alex said, the very soft tone in his voice remaining. "Yes". Hels responded. Alex felt a bit of rage. Was it Wels? If it was Wels, then lets just say that he wont be living another day. "Was it Wels?" Ex asked, almost certain that it was him. "No it wasn't. If it was, then there would certainly be some offended hermits" Hels said, his voice hoarse. "Good" Alex said, and left it at that. It was obvious that Hels didn't want to talk, so he wasn't going to push it any further. Instead they sat in comfortable silence once again, smiling knowing that they're both safe with eachother. It sounds a bit cheesy, but it's true.

And none of them minded. Not a single bit.

Yes. Just yes. Also I now headcannon that all of the trans hermits have come out to eachother. It probably went a little something like this. "Hey I just came out don't make fun of me" "I'm also trans" "Oh ok" "Me too" "Same" "This is weird".

Wc: 1.1k

I am very tired it is midnight. Bye and happy reading! :3

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